Nerf ulduar

this is all. its about time tbh


The Ulduar nerfs that have shown up in youtube videos over the last week came from my guild’s discord as a meme.
We did a good job, apparently.


hello No … why nerfing something everybody is having fun with. get off my lawn kid…


Yeah idk what you’re talking about lol try harder

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if you tried harder you wouldnt need Ulduar nerfs lmfaooo got em


Nah it’s about that time lol it’s been out awhile and as classic always does we will prob see a nerf soon. may as well welcome it and start sending alts to ulduar. I personally can’t wait to gear them for season end arena push


you’re not already gearing alts in Ulduar? what?


I don’t have time to sit 2+ hours on alts while some people struggle on mechanics. Some people value their time more than you, apparently. This raid must mean the world to you and the guild if you’re making content about it (LOL)… but for me, it’s a loot piñata. I prefer a weaker piñata personally so I can spend my time doing other things… Like arena or real life. :smiley: but keep grinding that raid every week with the same people!!


Let the nerfs flow through you, be one with the nerf.

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Why cahnt you send alts to ulduar now? stuff is easy enough in normal mode. Its actually a snooze fest even in half decent pugs. I dont get this whole nerf mentality when the content is easy as it is, and i just started playing wow in TBC classic.

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Lol really man? You are fuming. Also I enjoy raiding but doing the same raid over and over isn’t great. I do it for gear progression. Wrath pvp demands it at high rating. Maybe this games too much for you if you’re being toxic over something so menial

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I think a lot of the people who don’t want nerfs are like me, pretty mid maybe 5 or 6 hms down, but want to kind of bash their face against the current wall and overcome it rather than get it nerfed right away. I think we need at least 4-5 more weeks before any serious nerfs. And even then I would prefer they leave yogg and algalon alone so we have more time to try to get yogg 0 while it’s tough.


Only need hardmode gear only at this point. I, like many, can’t commit to a raid schedule and don’t have insane gold for gdkps.


flagged as spam.

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Totally understandable and rational reply. You play to push content and I respect that. For someone like me, I’ve done it all multiple times. You can probably empathize with me being bored and just wanting to cruise through now and pick up items for my endgame, pvp. People play the game differently

My dad gamer group(10man only) reserves 4hrs a week for Ulduar. Most of our raiders only naxx 10 gear going into Ulduar, and two of them were characters who hit 80 a few days before the whole H+ Revamp.

We have 4 Hardmodes down already, XT, Freya, Hodir, and Thoirm. We got 3 Towers FL, and had 4 tower to 8% on one of our attempts.

If you apply yourself, you can do it. This is all being done on the Dead Server Skyfury too… So if there is a will there is a way…

You wanting free stuff handed to you, if implemented, diminishes the joy of my dad gaming crew, and many others like it, out there only playing for enjoy their slice of the pie with goals to reach for.

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I’ve cleared the content multiple times on 10/25 hms and alg. I don’t need hand outs but maybe you should be realistic if you’re still stuck on 10m hms and admit a nerf would be nice for a dad group like yours. But hey, like I said above, we all play differently.

Is that why you post on a level 13?


So you are just lazy. Got it.

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I don’t look at it that way. I have 3 characters I would like to push glad/r1 on and it helps a lot to have raid gear. I value my time. Nerfs would be helpful to my goal.