Nerf ulduar

Posting in a “I’m trash and need the content nerfed to clear it” thread.

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Nerf Ulduar Blizzard, do it


Man the bad players are out in full force today

It’s nerfin time!

Could get our clear times down enough to fit a few more runs in per week.

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If you think you’re good for clearing 15 year old content then I got news for you buddy

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This isn’t 15 year old content.

This content wasn’t even cleared 15 years ago.

Which is also why you can’t clear it.


Let the nerf flow through you, become one with the nerf

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Lol I struck a nerve I see. Enjoy it while it lasts. You know they will nerf it soon. :man_shrugging::grin:

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Yea they got to let the trash cans get a few clears in.

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Lol sure man be toxic and seethe when it’s nerfed :rofl:

That literally makes 0 sense.

Why would I be mad they had to nerf it so the bad players like yourself could finally do it??

15 year old content like you said and it’s too hard for you??


Our guild’s splits and GDKP clears combine for like 7 full 54/54 a week.

It’s really not that bad. We clear it twice in one day in a couple of cases.

level 13 toon , checks out


Lol you can’t read I guess

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It was difficult for the first week or two, but gear really does make the pain points disappear.

And you can’t clear Ulduar.


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We play for different reasons. No reason to try to be toxic. Some people actually do struggle
with ulduar hm’s. I just want faster clears :slight_smile:


so play better and your clears get faster

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Nerf it to the dirt

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But you can improve your speed AND nerf it to improve it even faster. :slight_smile:

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