Nerf Troll Tribal Necklaces & Mob Tag Boosting

It was partially your argument. I got a notification saying you sent this as a response to me. The original post is saying it should be removed. I said its insignificant xp for the gold you are spending and you said the quote above.

I agree that its not the “spirit” of HC. But I also understand people wanting to use stuff they saved up in HC to make their next character faster. I currently have a level 60 myself and almost 7 35s (one for each class and last one being level 30) I am doing a twinked out toon that I already saved up 5k worth of gear and enchants. Is it in the “spirit” of HC I would say not for the first but for your 8-9 who cares.
In SSF you can have that badge that you got helped with no gear, no gold from anyone else.

It was partially my argument sure? You act like it’s not a contributing factor. People who buy gold for raid consumes die in raids because they are bad, then buy troll necklaces to boost back up and die again because they are bad.

There is a big difference between enchants and boosts.

people who use the necklaces to boost are only cheating them selves out of the true hardcore experience, i do not see how it will affect anyone else.

see what happens when you get one of them in your group at 60 and they kill you because they have no clue how to play

And yet these things are still wildly popular; wastewander water pouches too. You would think that they would not be considered a worthy return on your gold, but both of these are vastly inflated and still sell.

In principle I agree that this isn’t a problem if we assume no gold buying is occurring, but I think that’s naive to assume it’s not. I know Classic has always had a borked economy, but it smells really fishy if you ask me. My fishy feelings isn’t enough to break it, but Blizzard should investigate/monitor this. I have been seeing one guildie talk about how many thousands of gold he has made because he actively farms both of these when his alts are in their level range and then offloads them when the price is right.

I suspect there is nobody playing HC that hits 60 that doesn’t know how to play at this point, the game isn’t new and its highly unlikely that somehow HC would get this unicorn player who didn’t ever play wow till now, picked HC, then choose to spend lots of RL money to boost. In general leveling especially when done mostly solo will do little to train people how to properly use their ability such as taunt in a group, and even dungeons prior to endgame also do little to help with this.

think people have lost touch with that HC is a leveling experience, most hit 60 and start over or move on , if someone is boosting in HC they are not playing HC right and who cares, they are only robbing themselves of the true HC experience.


Do you even have experience playing HC at 60? The more you post, the less you seem to know.

Leveling gives time to develop muscle memory for abilities. You will see mages at the top level spamming arcane explosion while they also have ice barrier active. You will see the most suboptimal play and weirdest positioning in 60 dungeons. You just have to get there first.

There are also tons of players who are exploring WoW for the very first time because of how special the hardcore experience is. You could stop making baseless statements I think.

I mean to be fair people spamming arcane explosion are usually doing it due to higher DPS and not just because of avoiding spell pushback. Only cone of cold does more dps and that’s on a cd.

However I only run in and arcane explosion if I know I can do it safely. Otherwise I will just stand back and blizzard for the safety.

Also as a side note even with ice barrier up you can still be interrupted by moves like kick, shield bash, counterspell, etc so there is merit to using an instant cast on mobs like these.

ya that’s fair enough but the situation I saw it in these mages almost died like 3 times within one pull and could have just been safely doing blizzard. It was very sketchy.

not agreeing with op, but funnily enough looking on wowhead, there is a comment from 2007 about the faction and quest being removed in like 2.0.3 with speculation about it being used to boost alts. Things don’t change xD

You really made a storm in a glass of water

How others play doesn’t affect what you do.