Issue 1: Troll Tribal Necklaces
Currently people are using Troll Tribal Necklaces to get around many of the anti-boost methods blizzard implemented with hardcore and allows players to essentially “boost” through multiple levels.
How does this work?
There is an item in the Hintetlands you can farm off trolls called troll tribal necklaces that has a repeatable quest to turn in 5 or 390xp. These items are BoE so they can be sold on the AH. This basically allows players with enough gold (either from a main or gold buying) to buy thousands of necklaces and turn them in to give levels.
How to fix?
- Make Troll Tribal Necklaces BoP so you can still use them for extra xp but only ones you farm yourself
- Make them only give reputation but no xp
Issue 2: Mob Tagging
Currently people are using players not in their group to get around the xp penalty of a high level player killing low level mobs. With changes in Hardcore it was made so if a mob is grey to a player in your group it gives trivial xp but this method bypasses that fix.
How it works?
Players tag tons of mobs with high level players healing them and do 50% of the mobs health and then other random high level players finishing them off. This means they can pull tons of mobs safely they normally couldn’t and only have to reduce their hp bars to half. If this was done grouped instead of ungrouped the xp would be trivial.
How to Fix?
- Make xp earned equal to percentage of damage done by your group. (If your “group” only did 50% of the damage you only get 50% of the xp)
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This is not actually a problem. This is an unnecessary solution in search of a problem.
Just look up AH prices of troll tribal necklaces if you don’t believe people are doing this.
Wildhammer rep is essentially useless in Classic WoW meaning without the xp they’d essentially have no value. The current boosting meta is as follows:
1-40: Mob Tag farming
40-52: Troll Tribal Necklace turn-ins
52-60: ZG Boosting
Teacher! You forgot our homework!
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It is a problem, but also, the people doing it are so incredibly lame and cringe that they should be permitted to do so. Let them be the laughing stock of the real players.
It is not a problem.
The quest requires Level 40.
90,700 XP is needed to level from 40 to 41.
at 390 XP per turn-in, that would require 233 turn-ins to level from 40 to 41.
at 5 necklaces per turn-in, that would require 1165 necklaces to level from 40 to 41 via this quest (not counting the original quest).
I get it – you’re emotionally invested in something you think is a problem.
It’s not actually a problem, though.
Which is why nothing will change.
Feel free to seethe.
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I have witnessed people doing this exact method outlined. Just seems dumb to remove the main boost methods but allow these loopholes to circumvent it. Blizzard made it clear they didn’t want boosting as a part of hardcore as the leveling journey was the whole point.
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How many turnins to hit lvl 60?
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Honestly, why would you seriously be concerned if someone wants to skip leveling up in HC, so they can get to the extremely exciting end game where they basically kill all the bosses they can in normal Era with the added fun of getting to spam petri flasks anytime there is any danger.
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People only do it from 40-52 as from 52 onwards you can ZG boost
How many turnins is that?
Stop you fool, I’m making money off of other peoples laziness.
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I think it’s a good thing that tribal necklaces / wildhammer rep actually have a use for once 
As for mob tag farming, doesn’t it not work if the guy not in group gets more than 51% of the damage done?
Flagged for spam. This has been brought multiple times.
Focus on pushing more Hunter nerfs and enjoy the game.
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I literally searched for topics on Troll Tribal Necklaces before I posted this and the only thing related was one for Season of Discovery. There was nothing for Hardcore which was the primary gamemode type where blizzard seems to be the most against boosting.
It’s a completely different issue in SOD than it is in HC. The problem with SOD is that people will be blocked from leveling in P2 at level 40, however they could farm a few quests in P2 potentially allowing them to do the turn ins in P3 opens, allowing them to get to 50 faster and they hit the next level lock, the silly part is you would need to do the quest something like 10K times, so the effort spent getting the items would probably be more then the effort to actually level to 50, you would literally need tens of thousands of the necks in the mail. The wastewater quest in Taneris also works the same way, and I don’t see anyone farming either of these quests for 390 xp.
In HC, there is no block preventing people from leveling at level 40, so to waste time and effort doing a quest that takes a while due to farming drops off mobs that don’t have rapid respawn timers is a bit masochistic since there are far easier and faster ways to level. You would honestly probably level faster just by farming the mobs themselves. Really the only reason to do this at all is if you want to get exalted, and if your doing that you deserve the extra 390 xp for every turn in.
This just simply isn’t an issue in HC, and to be honest its not an issue in SOD, as the sure amount of farming simply wouldn’t be worth it, also the likely solution in SOD, will be to simply lock the items so they don’t drop in P2 if its deemed an issue for the servers, that’s not something they could do with HC.
Nobody is actually farming these themselves in HC. The whole point is they are buying them off the AH. That’s why I mentioned making them BoP so you could farm them yourself but not buy them.
Put this in perspective, to get from 40 to 50, it takes around 1,000,000 xp. If you simply sit there turning in this quest at 390 xp per turn in, you would need to do the quest, around 2600 times, meaning you would need just around 13,000 necklaces. Right now if you look on the AH, there are under 1000 available, for roughly 60 silver each. Assuming you bought that entire supply, and assuming bots were available and could farm them to have the same amount each day, it would take one person 13 days, and would cost them at minimum 7000 gold. I expect costs would actually go up higher if people were actually buying these in bulk.
Honestly having farmed the trolls while questing, I don’t know if you could sustainably farm them with bots to get enough necks to power level even 1 or 2 people every 30 days, and that would require an army of bots making it simply not worth it in HC, compared to them running those same bots in SOD, Retail or WOTLK/CATA, and those same bots in HC could probably farm gold faster someplace else.
So no this isn’t an issue, and honestly if someone really wants to skip leveling this much, who cares? Eventually they will die, or they will hide there character away, so they have did all this for what?
Why does it matter? How is it negatively effecting your experience?
Mages AOE farming mobs that you’re trying to kill for a quest is more impactful to your experience than boosters. But that shouldn’t be complained about either.
I’m not in support of boosting, but let people play the game how they want.
I’ll never understand people who search for something to be mad at.