Nerf Troll Tribal Necklaces & Mob Tag Boosting

its so little xp its such a non problem. If someone wants to spend thousands of gold per level let them.


it’s not like it promotes or enables bots or gold buying or anything. just let them do it lol


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Ah yes, the ever present RMT boogyman, that we should all fear, and which gets blamed for anything and everything and which we must protect the poor defenseless players from, no matter how illogical. In this case, all you have to do is go look at the AH, these items don’t appear to be even be turning over at all, yet not changing a quest, is “enabling bots and gold buying”.

Is RMT a problem, in some cases yes, in most cases like this it is a pretty big reach. While I would like Blizzard to get better about banning bots and people actually participating in RMT, when you look at the potential issue around quests like this, it just isn’t an issue compared to things like terrain exploits where people can use objects such as fences to avoid mobs or mechanics, and often which is used for large scale AOE farming, or cheesing quests.


you think they are getting 15k necklaces without bot involvement or rmt? It’s likely a service you can buy that doesn’t involve gold or AH.

What people are you talking about? There is zero evidence that anyone is using this as a leveling method in HC, and if you look at the AH or go out to the hinterlands, there is zero evidence that this is occurring even on a small scale. Could someone do this? Of course, the reality is it’s simply not practical, and it’s not something we really need to worry about.

This entire thread is based on a thread about the SOD servers that someone could farm these in P2, allowing them to level from 40-50 in P3.

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Is this something you’re closely monitoring at all hours of the day? Or are you just making stuff up?

Because honestly, I know for a fact that people are doing it and that it takes around 15k to go from 40-50. You seem to be making statements based on feelings, not knowledge. All these methods should be removed from HC outright.

No however I did take a look at the AH a few times over a few days, the same items appear to have been there by what looks like the same sellers, and when I was recently leveling in the hinterlands, I and can’t say I saw any bots making it difficult to find/kill trolls, which I would expect to be more a problem if this was really happening.

I certainly wont say RMT doesn’t occur, but in this case, it just seems an unlikely use case to get up into arms about. I mean 40-50 isn’t even a bad leveling period. I also don’t really see why would people want to skip those, and honestly I wouldn’t care really if they did.

The question I guess for you is, have you been to the Hinterlands, or Taneris where there is a similar quest, and did you find the zone filled with bots where you couldn’t do your quests? As both zones have appeared pretty empty when I was out there.

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This is not the problem. The problem is it encourages RMT, encourages boosting, and encourages botting. I’m not really interested in one person’s conjecture either, even if that one person is me.

What I take issue with is having people at 60 who were boosted, just like I take issue with petri being a thing in hardcore. I don’t want to have landmine players in the pool at the top level more than is necessary. It is a bad scene because of what is enabled. Like people using petri to get out of a poor play. Since petri exists, people play around it and rely on it being a factor. If petri didn’t exist, you would see far more calculated and thorough play at the top level rather than people doing risky skips and roaching out if the skip fails.

The same people who buy boosts are the ones who have gold to buy petri and lack the experience needed to play properly at the top level.

So not sure why you are brought up Petri flasks other then trying to fuel the RMT flames, as they have nothing to do with this issue, though I will agree at least you can show they have and are having a relatively major impact based on the fact that all the raids in HC have actually been cleared, which is unlikely if the flask didn’t exist, however even with this, you can’t really blame it on RMT, though I am all in for Petri getting nerfed or removed.

However for this quest and the similar one in Tanaris, there just is no evidence at that it is being used by some as an RMT boosting scheme at even a minor scale. Just log on and do a “Who” of Tanaris or the Hinterlands, neither seem to have what look like a significant number of bots, and when I have looked, the hinterlands is almost always a dead zone with almost nobody in it.

As of now the use of this quest for boosting would be horribly inefficient, but provides a nice benefit to anyone actually leveling and doing quests in the zone. Like many of the anti RMT ideas people have, they have a far larger impact on those who actually don’t RMT, then the actual RMT trade does, which for most people especially on HC, is close to none.

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Like I said, I’m not interested in conjecture. It is known that people are getting boosted to 50 by buying these. It shouldn’t be a thing in HC regardless of the fact that it encourages rmt and botting. It is a thing and it shouldn’t be a thing.

Guarantee you vastly more people are RMTing their weekly raid potions over tribal necklaces because the economy is so bad. So if you wanted to fix something that promotes gold buying you should be advocating to make getting flasks easier.

These type of arguments always make no sense to me.

It essentially comes down to “because problem A exists we should ignore problem B because problem A is a bigger problem”

Issues with this argument

  1. You are assuming they don’t care about problem A just because they are trying to fix problem B
  2. You seem to imply that fixing problem B would prohibit a fix on problem A which is also untrue

The problem is that raid consume price is a difficult issue to tackle as it involves multiple factors and any fix could have a butterfy effect of other changes.

Troll tribal necklaces on the other hand essentially affects a very narrow scope and would be relatively easy to fix with no unintended effects due to the change.

My point is for every 500 people rmting for raid there is maybe 1 rmting for necklaces probably even less. People can RMT most things in the game. Its so minor its pointless to make a “it should be removed because it promotes RMT” when it hardly contributes to the RMT problem at all.

For a better comparison since flasks are repeatedly needed. I would say for every 200k gold bought for raid less then 1k is probably bought for necklaces.

While yes there are definitely people buying gold for endgame raiding consumes. (I endgame raid and hear people talk about “swiping”) Since this is hardcore people often die and when they die they need to level again. Which once again they swipe to pay for boosting leveling services. Once again I’ve heard of first-hand testimony from players doing this exact process that was outlined in this thread.

There is definitely a strong pull to “get back to where you were before” now granted most of the boosting is not done via RMT and just guilds powerleveling new toons to get them back into the raid team ASAP however many will use RMT boosting as well.

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I am not saying you are wrong here. But most people and more often are buying gold to just raid then to buy necklaces. If a guy dies and wants to get to max level to raid again quite a few just level up normally, a few get boosted by guldies, a few RMT boost, and a few probably buy necklaces while leveling. But when people who are raiding have to spend 600-800g a week on consumables with these most* of these characters not dying for months I bet vastly more are buying gold on that repeatable cost rather then the off person who dies and has to relevel and might choose to level up some of the levels with necklaces. I wouldn’t even say necklace buying equates even 1% of HC gold buying. Which brings to the point again. Its not large enough issue to remove just because of some people RMT it. As I myself if I wanted to could easily afford it if I wanted too.

I personally think all boosting methods should be removed as it’s against the spirit of hardcore regardless if it promotes rmt or not.
Also as I mentioned this is a super simple fix as they simply need to apply the TBC fix to these items. (They made the repeatable quest not give xp)

Mob tagging on the other hand is a harder beast to tackle for sure.

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I would say this is an argument that I think is valid to use. Not that I agree with it. But I think it holds more weight then it should be removed because of RMT.

I’td be better if the necklaces only provided rep for the people who like to check boxes for their efforts.

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That wasn’t my argument though? That was something I tacked on top of the main point I was making, which is that boosting is against the spirit of hardcore and boosted players shouldn’t be in groups at the highest level of play. If you don’t go through the leveling process, you are not qualified to play at the top.

Boosting is cheese. At the end of the day it doesn’t make a lot of difference though, they still know they are failures.