Nerf towers and disable consumables in them

Just because YOU say the contrary doesn’t make it so. Isn’t it funny how subjective, two-way streets work…

Lmao wow that’s a weak af retort, even from you. You should def be ashamed.

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I have a charater that has those professions? Damn, I didn’t know.

Learn to get gold

Not remotely what was said.

Original comment

Not even talking about old consumables.

Edit: And I don’t even think the person I quoted and I disagree much on this point. The bigger issues was how messy the combination of limited time and wonky scaling has pushed the prices for these through the roof.

I mean this should be the answer

Except that 2 weeks is not a whole lot of time to do many of these if you are farming so many mats.

Except that 2 weeks is not a whole lot of time to do many of these if you are farming so many mats.

2 weeks is more then enough time to gather the mats. We have known that the Mage Tower was happening since the last patch.

For all 36?! You’re a much more dedicated farmer than I would be :stuck_out_tongue:
Heck even for 7 that’s a bit uncomfortable to pull off.