Nerf towers and disable consumables in them

The insane cost of consumables has made me not even bother trying anymore, waste of gold.


consumables are cheap, no reason to disable them.

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They are not cheap, it would be thousands of gold per attempt on the realms I play.

There are literally posts of people talking about how they bought out the consumables just to repost them at insane prices.


Make your own then. Stop wanting to mess over other players just because YOU don’t want something.


Why should you have to use consumables to make the tower possible, how about YOU wake up and realize it is horribly balanced.

The whole point of nerfing them AND disabling consumables would be to keep the difficulty around the same but NOT require insane gold sinks.

The system is currently a wealth and consumable check, not skill check.

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Why should raiders have to use consumables? Why should key runners have to use consumables?

Because when you are doing challenging content you want to min/max to your best ability. Welcome to how this has worked since forever.


I hope to see you popping potions on CD in timewalking dungeons, if not then you are clearly playing improperly.

If I considered timewalking dungeons to be pushing content then I would. I don’t have issues in clearing heroic dungeons though.

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I would have 3 or 4 tank towers done by now if not for the insane consumable cost.

Limited by funds, not by ability. Limited time event, they know it needs changes and that is why they said they are looking into nerfs.

Hopefully the nerfs make consumables no longer required.

Yeah, sure you would.

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They have valid complaints bub. Deal with it. Alt forum character that never has a point but always wants to have one.

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The irony…

He can deal with it by crafting his own consumables. There is already a self-fix for this non-issue.


Yeah, I would because I am not garbage at the game.

I have 15k hp wipes on brew, multiple sub 5k wipes on prot war and blood without consumables.

Best part is, I got prot warrior done and all it took was spending gold to “get good” and do the extra 5k damage by HUGE SKILL pressing a potion keybind, sure did add to the skill test!


i say on u it is to hard to get in mage towers i can not get in then HOW can i get their !


Why have professions at all then?

Either make your own or make the gold to buy them. Don’t go after my flask/food business just because you think the world revolves around you.


It is extremely obvious the tuning is off and busted consumables that scale too well make them possible, you are just benefitting off a bad situation.

I can afford the consumables, I have millions of gold. I also have a spine and refuse to justify spending it on such a clearly busted piece of content.

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I’m not going around telling people how they should act :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
You have a knack for it troll.

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do u gotta have WOW shadow land to get in mage towers then HOW COME if u gotta ! is legone it aint from a now game


I remember back in the day when trolls actually trolled people, they enraged people. Now when people disagree one party calls the other a troll. It’s such a diluted word that has almost no meaning anymore, like many other words that people fling around so quickly now.

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Times change.

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