Nerf towers and disable consumables in them

Sure you do, if you did you wouldn’t have to complain about the cost. lol

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You wouldn’t know anything about those times since you, so freely, call posters trolls for simply disagreeing. Unless you actually do get salty and enraged by the two of us simply disagreeing, then that would be a you problem.

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I did mage tower with SL consumables and gear. People have scalped tf out of the old gem/consumable prices so the SL stuff was 1/10th the price of the optimal stuff.

That being said, knowing someone who played during BfA and did the rep grind for the cyclotronic trinket could just cheese the hardest part of the fight for my class really does get on my nerves.

Why disable SL power but allow trinkets and old gear/gems that are atleast just as impactful? It makes 0 sense, atleast everyone has access to covenants and covenant powers unlike the obscure gearing sets/rituals people have been using to cheese the content…


They way you keep crying about the consumables makes it sound that you are garbage at this game.

All my characters in SL have their cooking to max & I didn’t pay 1 copper for the Mats needed to make the consumables.

It’s not that hard to get the mats for them. You can get them while your doing daily WQ.

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Don’t assume next time because I’m well aware of how things were. You just like to play the pseudo-intellectual :slight_smile:

I do, and I could sit there and buy them right next to the tower NPC on my brutosaur mount.

I dont agree with consumables bit but i strongly agree that MT needs a nerf asap :frowning:

2 weeks event.

I have morals, unfortunately I am not soulless like so many of the people who are currently scalping the AH.

I refuse to participate in such disgusting practices, it would make me feel sub-human.

You can’t make your own consumables in that timeframe?

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Tip, if you can make it through portions of the fight without them, don’t use consumables while progressing through the challenge. Once you’re confident you have some kind of rotation/strategy and can consistently execute it, then use them.

In 60 pulls I spent just over 3.5k gold on consumables, only using potions/drums and augment runes on the last 3 pulls.


I would be fine with them just nerfing them to be reasonable without consumables, but leave consumables for people who want to just roll over it.

I have just tried Guardian druid one and it is a nightmare , and even though blizz know it and they have said they are looking into it there is nothing done yet .

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Then don’t complain about it & make your own.

Consumables are part of the game and really shouldn’t be ignored. The whole point of a challenge like this is to use everything at your disposal and then have it still be hard enough that your execution has to be very good in order to beat it.

The time limit is boosting the crap out of the demand for consumables and gems right now though, which is a bit of an issue. If people had more than 2 weeks before it goes away for months at a time then I suspect they would be more inclined to farm their own mats and gear.

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Pot meet kettle.

They really dont.

Lmfao its just a game, calm down uberspaz


Just 'cause you tell yourself, doesn’t make it so, gatekeeper.

Sorry but if you don’t know how to use that phrase correctly, stop doing so. You just make yourself look silly.

It is not completely one way or the other for my opinion on consumables, I think the current situation is a nasty storm of factors that push consumables into unreasonable territory.

Very time limited with cheesy scaling, it is just a mess.

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Yea everybody knows that bfa potions in shadowlands are part of the game and really shouldn’t be ignored. And tbc dungeon gear with old xpac enchants, and trinkets from old xpacs. This is all just part of the game in shadowlands.

Have you guys not been stocking up on old xpac gear, gems, mats and enchants for this? Don’t you guys know that stuff is just part of the game.


What do you mean? Past you CLEARLY messed up by not having the foresight to keep every piece of gear you have ever looted since Vanilla.

I bet you don’t even have any super sticky glue in your bank!

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