Nerf these

As long as you guys dont play aff im cool with the both of you.

Demo is literally the easiest spec in the game


I like the “idea” of Aff, hate how it usually plays out.

Imo it should be able to focus all its dots on 1 person, ala UA stacking, but without the stupid weaknesses where ots completely countered vs certain specs.

The spec needs clearly defined single target goes, even if its major rot, then you can balance it from there.

Rot whole team and survive will always be op or garbo, with a weird inbetween where you have 100% wr vs comps snd 0% vs others.

Aff should be what they reworked sp to be with mind link and void torrent

Stop dude. Demo has to cast 3 times as much as season1.

Can you say the same for destro?

Demo is currently the only caster that got actual casting back into its rotation.

Not saying its bad, but it is what it is.

To be fair, neither do I, but I do despise specs that just tunnel with high MS/CC avoidance. Since I’ve started playing Hpriest/SV I’ve been able to compliment truly being outplayed because I feel like my comp has a chance to beat roughly any other comp, but it’s hard to feel that way when it’s something like Fistweaver/Fury. Winning or losing just leaves you wanting to kick them in the head. Lol

Oh wow you have to cast dogs now insane

With baseline precog

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Doesn’t SP have to cast like a lot more now


And Hog, our 2 main spenders…

It as if destro had to cast conflagrate and shadowburn.

Our toons should start an Onlyfans now that we’re both hotties.

We always were

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Tbh i dont mind specs that just apply pressure by being in your face. As frustrating as it is to face and especially lose to them, i think its good for game balance. Things SHOULD be able to pressure and disrupt casters.

Fury war seems really good right now and a strong example of that.

While they cant play this way in actual 3s, ww does a really good job of that in solo shuffle as well.

What fries me the most is when stuff like ret/war double trinkets aggro in the opener and then loses and goes “comp XYZ is so op, how do you ever lose?”


Yup. Demo literally precasts vilefiend, then dogs, instant grim felguard and tyrant then afks and can cast whatever they want while AI does everything for them.

You can get dogs and tyrant out during an axe toss btw.


Yeah that all makes sense

Demo seems to be still very insane regardless of the nerfs and has near ele shaman levels of anti caster utility

Just was wondering because Sofan said demo is the only class that had casting added back into their rotation

Sofan never has any idea what hes talking about


Ah good water is still wet

No one cares Sofan

Lol, youre so ignorant.

Dogs cant be pre-casted, and by the time you get to tyrant you have 3 people trying to stop you.

But it doesnt matter, as usual youre just bad. Maybe youll reach 2.4 this season with inflation and destro being what it is (its the same as last season, but we need to let you have an excuse for your shortcomings)

Ill add ya to ignore I think, just another troll on these forums.

Ill keep farming you, thx for the free rating.

Edit: Its done, you can stop typing your diary now.