Nerf these

Hey dumbass learn to read. Pre cast Vilefiend.

ht tps://



Reposting for clarity


Whoa did someone say my name?


Yeah im not replying to that. The guy is raging all the way from his mothers basement.

Moving on :slight_smile:

Imagine being so upset about other people playing a spec on the same class as you in a game we all think is trash.


Rets dont ele dont and many others zug zug

Rofl, while playing ret/demo no less.


My biggest issue is when a comp that’s designed to stop setups, fails to do so but gets rewarded with a W anyways due to poor balance.

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Stopped here lol what? Maybe dont let the warrior keep 100% uptime?

Imagine being mad at any spec in this game, not realizing that we are 100% reliant on blizz’s balance and that it all doesnt really matter.

So many tools on these forums unfortunately.

How did you get that name

Simply by being.



add fury self heals to the list. class heals like a hybrid

The idea that hybrids should be the only ones able to heal/heal well is an ancient concept

But Fury has arguably the worst on-use Defensives in the game

Enraged Regen can be kited and Disarmed.

Fury’s passive defense is the saving grace that’s tricking people into not focusing them

God forbid things have counterplay…

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Muh class fantasy

Lol I wouldn’t waste your time replying to unleveled troll characters.

i totally agree but when havoc or warlocks can heal at fury levels, its unfair. so in that case revert the havoc leech nerfs and buff soul frag/fodder healing and let lock drain life healing pump again to fury levels :cowboy_hat_face:

you can spec D stance, and access to impending victory. sounds like a cope to cover for something that is blatantly overtuned and needs addressed.

enrage regen is still a 30% DR ontop of D stance with warpaint for added bonus. Fury is actually very durable and really has no need for all the extra healing. oh and you can talent enrage regen to heal when pressed for a chunk.

fury isnt focused because it is way to durable for the kind of pressure it can output. period and needs looked at.