Nerf these

I should really be in some hall of fame for my precog donations.


“precogged the destro on his go- WHOOPSIE!!”

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not yet not yet not yet let me have some FUN first

More like precogged the destro now he has a go!

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This hurts my head. Starburst doesn’t proc anything. You’re talking about starsurge and also mentioning things that have nothing to do with anything lol.

Also yes.

I was talking about staresurge lol.

Your right dont nerd boomy. Its fine.

Is this what people see when I type? Lol.

They should gut starfall. Or starweaver’s proc chance for starfall. Or both. I don’t care. Throw starburst in there too if people don’t like it.

Moonfire is fine though. I don’t know why people say that. Has an average tick of like 5k.

You forgot the soy faces when they watch the dps meters and the w/l window at the end of the match laughing at the failed kickers

Whenever destro locks get precog and chaos bolt spam this sound file should play. Make it happen blizz.

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I already have an addon that spews michael jackson hee-hees whenever i crit. Idk might check to see if i can modify it for precog. I know i can swap audio files but ill get back with you with what i got

Lol yes it is. Nerd boomy all the way.

I must not know which one star burst is. I personally dont like starfall as in pvp it does to much but in pve it takes too long to get ramped up then everythjng is dead.

I see all kinds of weird things people thing why boomy does damage from moonfire spam to 100k wraths and i realized they just dont know what is actually hitting them cuz it tends to all land at once.

:oncoming_police_car::oncoming_police_car: wee woo wee woo Demo gaslighting, $300 fine


Yeah, they see high damage and look and see moonfire on the top of details and just say that. I mean it is the forums. Can’t ask too much. I just find it funny :stuck_out_tongue:

By all means nerf moonfire and leave everything else the same. Works for me :sunglasses::joy:

The guy just mad we still farming his destro lock.

Youve literally never beat me lmao

Dont worry demo will be insane soon again so you can sniff 2400 for a day like last season and tank back down to 2k np


The guy is a career negative winrate war/enh player.
Nothing against him, but he just doesn’t have a good perspective on balance because he doesnt recognize how to play the game correctly.


Agreed. Give us Bladestorm, enhanced mobility, more offensive utility, and a Sunder Armor effect instead.

Arms can keep MS as part of its identity. Specs should have their own unique flavor.



2x charge and leap not enough mobility?
Fury mobility is pretty close to dh atm but with a better ms and way tankier.

Similar offensive utility too btwn fear, shockwave, and bolt.


Were you under the impression the Raging Barbarian was supposed to waddle everywhere?


If y’all wanna take MS from Fury, in the name of spec identity - I am fine with that.

Arms can be the tactician with MS and defensive utility through War Banner/Duel/Etc.

But Fury should have enhanced uptime and offensive utility to distinguish itself.

See, just mad because were the superior locks :slight_smile:

Also demo is objectively harder to play than destro right now, due to everything being casted.

Its ok, your inferiority to the master spec is nothing to be ashamed of.