Nerf these

Dont really find survival damage to be that insane

Should Hunters not be doing high damage while not having great defensives?

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I’m ok with it, was just wondering peoples thoughts on it.

Even though it sucks for me because I play sp and aff lock

I agree.

Have a great day.

I woukd say why starburst but i changed my spec a bit to pick up the bonus crit on my big go orbital strike plus pvp trink and ive literally popped two starburst that both proc star puppy and have orbit break proc and all crit, with 3-4 dots rolling and spamming wrath.

Im pretty sure its about 300k damage in about 2 seconds. Maybe more.

This is fake news
4 pc grants 10% more damage to pets and grimoire felguard while its active.demo lost more damage than this from 10.1.

Make nerfing great again. Nerf everyones damage 420%, increase stamina benefit another 30% and make everything a 20 minute war of attrition.

Put a 30 sec CD on precog. Which is what I imagine they’ll do.

No it isnt. Nothing should stand a competitive chance at winning games by doing zero setup and tunneling something. If you disagree, you’re gay.


Just make precog make your next cast instant and nothing more.

I’m gonna convince everyone this is a great idea so I can begin a reign of tyranny with precog instant gpyro tinder combusts

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Dawg cmon slaughterhouse was nerf3d by like 70% LOL while your fissure still is full duration and way stronger than slaughterhouse

The instant cast still needs a 30 sec cd. Kick after kick imagine warlocks with instant chaos bolts. Yea second thoughts

Jim and I murdered a Fistweaver/Fury team last night. I’d fight them IRL if I could to really seal the deal on dominating the honorless, little slugs.


Ok fair.

Oh iunno, SP is a bonified tank currently. Affy however is still affy.

Demo was also a warcrime last season

I think the idea of removing the lust and the immunity lasts as long as the juked lockout is best




Absolute banger stance


Double melee missing kicks perma precogging casters be like


Take a shot every-time I proc precog is my new favorite drinking game.


Good melee players just kick late, and watch casters juke themselves to death.
It’s a skill issue if your kicking as soon as you see a cast bar and giving someone precognition