Nerf spriest in pvp

1 round of dots and you are dead within 3 seconds. Absolutely trash.


With ZERO counterplay. It’s dumb, because ALL of a SPriest’s abilities are instant cast, from their CC to healing to DOTS to defensives to even their execute. This fact alone makes them the best PvP class because the mobility is so high, they never have to stop moving.

You DOT someone (which can now crit) and then you pop your pets that hit for 20% of someone’s HP per auto attack, then you pop your Dispersion so the person cannot hit you back and you watch them die. GG EZ.

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Just use AMS

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The damage reduction change will help quite a bit, healers / melee (other than sham which already competes) will have time to play the game and not get pummeled from 30+ yards out

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Was reverted this week

dont blame shadow priests, blame the paladins or whatever horde avalible classes for not cleansing and curing them. they are completely worthless without their dot damage.


just dispel yourself before they tick.

uh - you are a paladin…dispell?

Most classes are nuts right now. People whine about spriests because they are one of the few classes that can counter burst, and its limited.

Rogues are deleting people in a global
Shamans flame shock are hitting for 1k crit, followed by 2.5k LB 2x
mages can get a 2k FB or run hotstreak and fish for big pyros
Hunters hitting for 2k chim or go BM and pop BW while being eons away and pet shreks
Warlocks directly counter priests
Paladins can dispell and bubble the dots while hitting like trucks if they know what they are doing. Thankfully, most don’t.
Can’t say about warriors because I’m a mage so they don’t give me issues.

spriests counter my class but I still don’t find them to be a problem any more than any other class

People complaining are those that expect to go zugzug and win. Get gud.


wow, the first time ive seen someone post that proves they are a real pvper, and not a fake liar

you say boomkins but if you dont have the frenzy gen rune you cant shed anything you just die, also our dots dont do much damage, we actually have to cast which is countered

In group pvp - yall are huge targets so the experience can be horrid. (I hate how big boomkin form is…lol).

However, in 1v1 and esp if you get the jump, yall are nutty. Plus its nice that if you get locked on one school, you can counter with another…if they catch your arcane, now you can just heal and/or go wrath.

Not saying you don’t have weaknesses, but yall are in a great spot imo.

Silence, dots.

Paladin cannot heal, cleanse or even stun.

MB into Death. Ded? No?

Dot up. I suppose he needs to heal right, nah. Fear.

MB in Death.

Lets not pretend that a retadin is a threat to a shadow priest. Thats an ezclap.

With that being said, obviously a skill issue. I had no problems dumpstering shadow priest when i played ret back in the day :rofl:

another day another player complaining about the worst and most useless class in the game because they are just terrible at the video game and coping

Ret now is far better than olden days. Not even a comparison.

I’m not making any assertions other than people are being overly dramatic about spriests, when everyone is OP. Spriests are noob killers…just like rogues.

As opposed to rogues that will stunlock you and kill you in a few seconds, or paladins that will kill you in a few seconds while invulnerable to all damage/cc, etc right?

yea somehow rogue can be top dmg pve and people will actually sit there and say “just trinket” when no other class requires this as a bare minimum to potentially win and then spriest can have the most obvious counterplay ever be bottom dps and they will sit there and say the class needs nerfs like just dont question it

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Paladin and shaman counter spriest, shaman more so.

You should make an alliance priest. Shaman are a million times worse than paladins could ever be.

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You are playing a paladin. You have a dispel that removes disease and magic. One click and their dots are gone.

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That has to be a bait :sweat_smile:

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Silence is also instant. So when you’re fighting a class that can remove your stuff, BLANKET SILENCE THEM. Do I really have to play this autism game with you? You know the design is broken.