Nerf spriest in pvp

I mean if you get a silence you can just bubble out of it, killing spriest realistically jsut isnt an issue for any ret with a bubble and insignia up.

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Class with 12 seconds of immunity to everything is complaining about a silence?

Skill issue.

Shadow priests are pretty strong in pvp, but shaman make them look terrible in comparison.

Rogues with insane gear and weapons are globaling people in questing greens, I guess that means itā€™s okay if Spriests kill everything in sight, including Rogues, with zero counter play.

Okay but so in all actuality youā€™re not dying in 3 seconds. And thereā€™s absolutely counterplay, Iā€™m not sure you know what that means. SWP can be dispelled, void plague can be cleansed, stoneformed, jungle remedied, removed with disease cleansing totem, etcā€¦ Spriest also has far less mitigation/defensive utility than oh say, shaman, who are in S++ tier all by themselves at the moment. The scenario you outline has the spriest popping three or more 2+ minute cooldowns. Shaman, hunters, maybe others are as strong or stronger and they can do what they do 100% of the time, not once every few minutes.


Ok - then bubble? or wait until silence is about to wear off and stun then heal? You have an entire kit to use - it is not that dire for you.

Even still - its one class that you canā€™t seem to beat through your immense level of zugzug skill. Ok - this is wowā€¦where it is rock paper scissors. You delete other classes like a spriest deletes you.

Spriest is my definite hard counter and I still think they are fine. I watch half awake rogues delete spriests so gd fast that dots donā€™t even tick more than twice.

Stop crying.

If you get beat by a spriest 1v1 with all your cds up, then its a you problem. I see only half decent 1800 rogues just eat spriests as a snack.

But majority of rogues are dumb af where they stun dispersion, or donā€™t bait the obvious fear that is going to land, etc. The uber good ones never let the priest get a damn dot off. its nutty.

But you donā€™t even need to play that well - rogue burst is out of this world, and has zero set up. Just spam a button.

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100% accurate post, canā€™t wait to see someone somehow disagree with blatant reality

still dont get why people cry about shadow priest, just have ur priest/paladin remove their dots then they become weak mages

Ret paladin complaining about dispersion and another class being able to smack them while theyre immune to damage is ironic. You can dispel them, thats the counterplay, the priest cant dispell your bubble.

Imagine not grounding the silence and then cooking the priest. Just play ELE 4head

press dispel, press dmging abilities =countered

Are you guys braindead? First, a 3v1 doesnā€™t mean anything when youā€™re talking about balance. So saying to get another class to help you is just dumb.

You cannot cleanse during silence. Priests have a blanket silence. Bubble doesnā€™t mean anything, because they can either dispersion or simply RUN AWAY during it.

But none of this matters, because I wasnā€™t talking about a priest vs a paladin anyway, Iā€™m talking about abstract class design and itā€™s not my fault none of you can look past the profile of the guy posting it (which is better than all of yours BTW). I donā€™t know if you guys are middle aged boomers with mercury fillings or are early 20s with the attention span of TikTok, but you donā€™t know how to play the game. Post videos of your amazing counterplays or shut it. And at least have the courage to post on your SoD main.

Here, Iā€™ll start. See this elemental shaman right here?

Here is a rank 1 gladiator rogue getting absolutely clapped in a global. Similarly, the problem with shadow priests is literally all of their abilities are instant cast.

And here is your average every day Paladin suffering the same fate

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im sorry bro but you linking those 2 examples gives me/everyone everything we needed to kno about you. LITERALLY.

you did not just call payo a r1 rog. and that paladin is absolutely garbage at pvp and hes even holy pal. thereā€™s absolutely zero chance i will argue with you. l2p get good and stay improving.

It must really burn you that I have a better profile than you in PVE across the phases and I am even better at PvP AND youā€™re playing the meta LOOOL

Also, Payo doesnā€™t suck at the game. I bet you couldnā€™t beat him.

i dont even parse or play wow much other than raid logging w friends lol. my parses are ok but by no means are ā€œparsesā€ and theyre still decent ;p

im 2.4xp on every class/spec and have peaked 3k before. ive also pushed m+ with people who have competed in the mdi (myself have not) but im sure i could have.

Try like 3-5 clicks. 3-5 GCDs not doing damage as you are still at range and reapplying.

Huh, that was more civil than I was expecting. We can be friends.

I kill shamans ez mode with a 5 second silenceā€¦ a lot of spriests dont run it tho bc it takes 3 talents to get to it.

Lol what???