Are you sure because I’m pretty certain my warrior has a talent that allows him to break out of things at the cost of his life
Yea I don’t think Blizz knows how to balance right now. They are taking away damage, but also giving damage. And it doesn’t seem like they are doing ANYTHING for defensives. They think that adding more damage is the answer.
Basically, what’s the difference between being hit for 150% of your health and 120% of your health?
None, you still dead either way.
Bloodrage is only available to Fury.
I always liked the Dresden files quote
“In the world of supernatural strength, doesn’t matter if they can juggle refrigerators or bench press entire trains, mortals don’t want to get punched by that”
Was thinking about arms, fury should just go back to being a PvE spec like it used to be a long time ago.
See I’m very much in favor of hunters getting something to help them with kiting, maybe even bring back mop style pets.
I loved making sure I either had a crocodile, one of those pink birds, a crab, a netherwing, and a monkey
(Snare, sleep, root, kick, and blind in that order) I think that go a long way for them
Hunters don’t need more tools to kite, melees need less tools to gap close.
You could give hunters 50 charges of disengage that they’d still be using every GCD to disengage from a demon hunter because demon hunter have less CD on their gap closers than the speed at which they can use them.
Absolutely, I agree. Monkey blind, Shale spider stun etc was such a way to make pets unique. And it required you to actually go out into the world and tame these unique pets to get those abilities.
I also think maybe a cooldown like Aspect of the Monkey or something could come back with dodge or something.
Oh and maybe buff the damn Spirit beast heal so it’s actually useful again. Not healing for 1k damage in a 400k HP pool.
Remove double time and bring back juggernaut
I had to look that up. Wouldn’t Juggernaught eventually just insta kill lol?
wym just insta kill, it’s just 12 sec charge cd
It’s just short cd charge.
Ahh ok I looked it up and I found
Execute increases damage dealt by Execute by 3% for 8 sec, stacking up to 99 times.
that’s cringe talent, og juggernaut was so pog
If my port doesn’t free me and I get yanked back 40 yards to it, then doubt Step does
Port can work.
I mean technically it would be less uptime by a slight amount. Instead of 10 sec CD charge (2 charges on 20 sec CDs) it would be 1 charge on a 12 sec CD.
And classes having hard counters isn’t a bad thing.
I’ve always been of the Syndrome opinion “if everything is super then nothing is”
I rather things be brought up than things brought down, that’s why I loved mop. Everyone was op
They have to time it correctly for it to work but ww can just trinket fof and be immune to damage