Nerf Spear

And the counter to freedom isn’t stormbolt?

Are charge and freedom on the same cd?

This is probably the most dumbest thing I heard in 2023 so far

lol my freedom is a 45 sec CD. Isn’t charge like 20 secs per charge? Then they have leap on 45 sec CD…the same CD as my freedom.


you can litterally root the first charge and freedom the 2nd and root the leap. get better idk

Ahhh then the Warrior will spear and I die? :partying_face:

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Wild charge does not need to change whatsoever

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Oh crap I forgot Monk movement in my list as well. Thank you for the reminder. Lemme update.

Sure if monk defensives are incredibly buff to make up for the one thing that monk has always been designed around

18 and 30s CD actually. They are reduced by talents.
They can also ranged stun you on 30s CD and intervene an ally near you if need be.

Edit: and to the people saying to just scatter or whatever, arms warrior just bladestorms with their spear, quite literally can’t stop them while they unhinged you to death.


Doesn’t monk have the most defensives it’s ever had rn?

I honestly don’t have as much of an issue with Monk movement, but they kind of are un-peelable. And after the buffs to consistent damage it’s insanely rough to try to keep away from them.

Yea Monk lost insane burst with the Thunderfist, but Monk damage from what I’ve seen hasn’t suffered at all.

quality > quantity friend

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Yeah you rotate cds to stay in when you have damage and run when you don’t

That’s how it’s always been

Yea I mean I literally didn’t even bring up his stun which is 30 secs less than my own stun lol. He played himself by trying to say “git gud” after he thought he got me with his little kiting scenario lol.

To be fair, a hunter can kite a warrior who’s not getting helped and their only uptime would be the spear. It’s possible to predict the stormbolt or even react to it with a trap to make them lose the precious seconds from storm bolt to get to you.

Warriors aren’t like DH with their infinite mobility. Their only way to break roots is bladestorm and Avatar which would be a waste outside of already being in melee with you and their only ranged snare is short range with piercing howl.

In 3s though it’s not typically 1v1. I am most of the time trying to kite 2 melee at the same time. It doesn’t work out so well.

ANY time I see someone say nerf warriors, I instantly think ““Leave Brittney alone””!

You can blame the other melee for that. Because they can all snare you easily except for the warrior. Rogue, DH, enh, surv, ret and DK can all ranged snare with Monk and warrior being the only melees who can’t. Monk can keep up easily with roll/torpedo, flying kick and tiger list, warrior can’t nearly as well.

If anything, throw glaives shouldn’t snare if they aren’t going to nerf DH mobility and CC, and Rogue’s poison knife should be a finisher like deadly throw used to be.

Edit: forgot feral, they don’t need any help sticking to anyone, I think that much is obvious.

Quality > quantity

Fort brew doing 20% dmg reduc, 15% health, 25% armor, and 25% dodge on a 6 min cd.

Do you know how useless this thing is?
Our armor doesn’t actually increase to anything but below mail levels which lock as a clothie gets more than that passively and lets ask our shaman and hunter friends if they notice their armor doing anything for them.

Dampen harm has a weird interaction where you only get the full benefit if the hit is over 50% of your life, so any dots, or quick dps small hits it mitigates very little

Diffuse magic is still solid

Karma absorbs for half my health (and can’t modified by things like battlemaster) which comes out to 120-130k life, which even 1 dps can break that pretty quickly

Teleport is about our main defensive but a lot of times that’s forcing your healers and partners to have to play around your teleport, giving up control of the map. Making your healer more susceptible to getting cc chained.

Our main defensives have always been our ability to control, self healing, and to disengage from the fight, but currently our ability to disengage is massively hampered by the mobility creep by every other melee.

See I argued against these particular buffs, because they were 100% not needed.

See you say that but I press burst and things still instantly die.
It’s why I call blizzard brain dead.