okay don’t bring back juggernaut but bring back charge stun instead
And get it immediately stopped with something, why would you stun the monk in the spear before his fof was on cd
yea I just wish all melee wasn’t a hard counter to Hunters right now lol. Like when I see an UHDK/Warr, UHDK/DH, DH/Warr, Warr/Ret any of these combos paired with eachother I know my time in Arena will be limited and it’s going to be a game of me running screaming for my life 99% of the match.
Just disarm warrior on his spear he can’t stormbolt while disarmed
No one should have a hard counter.
It should be soft counter, not hard.
You shouldn’t go into a lobby, see the other team and immediately think “I lost” and just want to quit without even trying.
That’s how demon hunter feels to a hunter.
Why would I use a defensive just to cover another defensive?
use defensive to peel his cooldowns then you just get away from warrior once spear ends
Yep I agree. It’s just the most drastic it’s ever been in it’s current form though. We’ve never been squishier than we are right now but yet we have the most amount of defensives we’ve ever had. It just feels backwards.
I have no sympathy for dh, since literally everything they are is just a streamlined version of original concept windwalker.
But you’re over exaggerating about the “disengage” comment a bit
ww should always be squishy tho, ww doesn’t need anything it already does giga dam it’s fine
The way this reads you are insinuating that I think we shouldn’t be squishy and it’s confusing.
sorry for assuming
Spear into bolt is my favorite combo.
warrior probably doesn’t even need spear in its current iteration, it could be one grip and still be worth taking because it crits for 100k
Well yeah, it was an hyperbole to express how ridiculous demon hunters are… Or was it?
8s CD Fel Rush, 13s Fel Blade that can reset, the hunt and Metamorphosis are also gap closers, can use their own disengage to gap close that also happen to be 25s CD, can use their 30s CD impale from range, 30s cd imprison, 1m CD chaos nova and when all else fail they still have their 1.5m CD fear symbol. Oh and the cleaving ranged snare that does most of their damage too for good measure.
Good thing rogues exist to combat the dh plague
Why do people feel we want to be livelord tanks?
Because they read all the shamans and rets crying on here every day.
I see you forgot that fury has a root break on a 30s cd
As I said, I was thinking about arms. Fury is disgusting and should just go back to PvE where it belongs.