Feign still has the 90% wall with tactics and forced target drop, so you’re incorrect- it is a defensive
Honestly we probably should be taking shackles for fury, even though it’s what 8% dr? Any damage we can prevent a fury or ww from doing seems worth
It’s nothing compared to what it used to be. Feral bleeds? Absolutely shred. Not really worried as much about Aff lock since their pressure isn’t as bad as S4 Shadowlands. But yea Feigning a Warrior jumping on you won’t stop the next 3 100k damage mortal strikes.
Locks don’t even press chaos bolt anymore, they just deal instant insane consistant pressure.
I guess you could get lucky and Feign a FV or Final Reck from a Pally. But yea Warr uptime and constant Arms damage with Mortal Strike/Sharpen blades makes it tough to Feign their Gos.
Not saying our defensives stack up to what craven was, but we do have an answer to most comps and we’re not locked into pvp talents like some specs. Mending bandage neuters feral damage when used right, dragonscale a 20% flat magic dot wall, tactics for even a mildly telegraphed burst, RoS against other burst, roots and slows for days. But not being able to move at all like a perfectly placed rop, or a half placed spear after a charge root stormbolt is terrible. Unrelated, i want my zandalari racial heal to work in turtle🤬 it works in bubble and i already can’t attack, give me my regen
Yea Spear infinite yoinking is so toxic against a Hunter. Like I said I think the yoink effect either needs the DK Abom treatment or make Masters Call allow us to get outta Spear.
I wouldn’t call “periods of immobility” new. Been a warrior during frost mage meta too many times over the years…
This can literally happen with two rogues as well lol
And before they touch Spear of Bastion they should remove tanks from pvp
Cant they just do both?
Protection was able to achieve something similar to Spear of Bastion prior to Shadowlands with the 1 second Thunderclap root Honor Talent that doesn’t DR so it’s always odd to me to see one posting about spear.
Like, you could go into a BG, press Avatar and lock down an entire pack of people for 20 seconds.
some classes can get out of it some classes cant you pick a class that has a harder time getting out of it and thats fine because your class can kite warriors better than other classes.
You seem to think that kiting is detrimental to melee in this game anymore. No kiting is not what it used to be. Hunter toolkit is dated and melee uptime has just gotten better with the new talent system. Warriors instead of having to choose between a row of three talents now can take ALL three talents for uptime on a target.
Most other melee has gained improved mobility as well (except maybe wheelchair Ret pally) but Ret can pew pew from a distance so it’s fine.
This argument of “Hunter should just face tank full damage from a spear and have less defensives than other classes because Hunter can kite hurdur” is so outdated and untrue in the current state of the game and Meta.
But then again you might be talking about Wrath though since I see you have a level 80 wrath toon you’re posting on. So maybe we’re talking about different expacs?
I see good hunters kite good warriors plenty steel trap + tar +scatter shot mid charge gg
We are talking about an unpeelable spear man. Not inbetween Spear. Having zero counterplay to spear to allow us to kite is not healthy gameplay.
spear is counter play to kiting, also your class has some wall and sac that helps with spear. even more so as a bm your pets help counter unhinged which is what makes spear+storm so strong.
Wtf is charge root then
Spear shouldn’t be a counter to kiting when Warrior has two charges and two roots (automatic roots with your charge), and a leap. Those by themselves are plenty counter to Kiting. You don’t need some gimmicky spell that will yoink a paper defensive class like Hunter.
Here I posted this in another thread…but you can have spear if this was in place
- Remove warrior double charge and get rid of the root PvP talent as well
- Remove DH double dash, remove Felblade as well from DH
- Pally is fine honestly, they just need their ranged damage tuned so they can’t one shot from 30 yards away.
- Gut chains of Ice from DKs. Make it so it either costs way more resources or it can’t be spammed, also reduce DK passive movement speed. Remove double Deaths Echo talent. (Double Grip, and Double Deaths Advance)
- Ferals remove Tireless Pursuit (40% movement speed after shape shifting) and make Wild charge a longer cooldown (15 seconds is shorter than my Disengage making Feral unpeelable since they can get out of roots).
- Rogue - remove shadow step out of rogue class tree so double shadowstep isn’t possible. Also make Shadowrunner talent not effect Shadow Dance. Also remove Improved Sprint.
- Enhancement - I honestly don’t have a problem peeling Enhancement, as long as I kill their yoinking totem it’s not too bad.
- Monk - This one was a bit tougher for me to think through. Monk has ALWAYS been unpeelable for the most part as a Hunter with freedom on 45 secs? and multiple rolls plus a flying serpent kick. I think the problem with not being able to peel monks right now mainly is their insanely high damage with the uptime they have on targets. So instead of targeting Monk movement I’d rather see their damage reduced and their defensives buffed instead.
charge root is garbage and his class has freedom so that counters that.
You have two charges? LOL Charge, I freedom, you charge after my freedom is up…I have nothing?
warrior charges you scatter he charges again freedom. root is baseline to charge btw and you can avoid the root by going around a corner as he warrior is mid charge.