Nerf Spear

The situations where trapping a dps would ever be legitimately useful and you aren’t just tunneling a healer as your win condition are absurdly few and far between

Of thousands of games in the past few xpacs I can think of like at best 1 or 2 times it’s legitimately good and not a complete desperation play when the game is already over

Especially when scatter shot exists now it’s pretty awful to trap a dps


The very next global is gonna be bstorm

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Yeah. But you get the bladestorm started as far away from you. What ever spec you are playing this is an appropriate time to use a defensive cd because there is a good chance bolt is coming too after the bladesrorm or if he cancels it. Most specs have good enough defensives to handle it. Shaman doesnt but youncan prewall or even time a cap totem if you place it at a good location and not directly next to the war so he one taps it

I either disarm them or put a vortex nearby that pulls them away :stuck_out_tongue:

Freedom should at least work against it. AMS Deaths Advance and BoP all work, why can’t freedom


There are plenty of ways to cointer it , the cd aligns perfectly with most defensives plus lots of classes can just walk out or def in it. Just dont wall at 10% . Spear setup takes some time.

Hunter can’t walk out of a spear. If we could Master’s call Freedom out of it I don’t think I’d have nearly as much of an issue with spear as I do.

Also Spear cooldown does not align with Hunter defensives. All Hunter defensives besides Pet Sac are a 2+ minute CD. 3 minute turtle shell, 3 minute wall. A spear is a 1minute CD. There is no lining up defensives for the second spear.

Also if you say Feign death so help me…I will end your WoW character. Feign is nowhere near as useful now without Craven. Everyone still thinks Hunter has Craven from Shadowlands.


Why is it when Dilly (I’m assuming that Hunter is Dilly) comes in and tells you trapping a dps is a terrible idea you go “oh yea def good point man”…but when I say it, you just completely disregard what I said?


Spear and monk circle is the height of annoyance rn.

I never disregarded what you said. You and dilly just took it to serious. I never said that trapping dps was a good play its usually desperation and the game is likely over I just don’t think its fair to say you should NEVER do it.

Much like using spriest silence as a kick on a dps. Its pretty terrible but it doesn’t mean you can’t stall a game out with it.

Dragonflight has had quite the uptick of Shadow Priests heroically silencing physical specs.


And this right here proves it’s NEVER a good idea to trap DPS. If you have to resort to trapping a DPS the game is already over. Being behind on a trap in 3s right now is basically losing the match unless the other team screws up so badly that you can recover.

This game isn’t friendly to setup comps right now like Jungle or Cupid etc with Hunters. If you don’t play a setup comp absolutely perfectly there is no chance of winning.

Not surprised haha

Idk I personally like stalling games until next week because you never know when someone blunders. I haven’t played much hunter just BM/outlaw to like 1900 and I fell back on trap a few times. Prob because I sucked and wasted the other mobility but still.

Tbf hunter has Scatter for dps if its 100% needed, trap should only ever be on heals or, in the event heals is already sitting a long cc chain, off target to prevent peels

Scatter into Steel Trap on something like Havoc feels nice. :dracthyr_love_animated:


Yea Hunter now vs Hunter in Shadowlands is vastly different. Damage profiles are even crazier than they were in Shadowlands. Craven is gone so Feign is back to being a non-defensive. Melee have infinite uptime with the new talent trees and them being able to take multiple gap closers instead of having to choose between 3 in the same row. Hunter toolkit is extremely outdated when it comes to living and providing support in this meta.

This is a much more difficult environment for Hunters than Shadowlands. It feels like every match as a Hunter I am either A) Fighting for my life, or B) not being able to support my partner enough and they die. There is no inbetween, games are won by a hairs width every time.

I make every DH i see sit in the corner and watch as i pipe their partner

Yea Scatter is solid, but it still gives the Warr like 3 seconds of beating my face in when I’m in a spear and can’t escape. Hunter needs to be able to freedom out of spear. I don’t care if I keep the same damage debuff where the Warr gets 25% crit against me. I just want to be able to leave the spear and kite.

Being able to hold a Hunter in place for 6 full seconds is basically a death sentence in this meta.