Fair enough, it was solo shuffle yea my healer who won one round total (I was on his team to get the win) I died with him both times I lost. So yea def a skill diff issue on the healers.
It really shouldn’t mean anything, I just thought you were trying to tell me I’m a trash player or something. Most people on the forums this is their go-to insult.
I am not “passionate” about it, I’m actually more passionate about Insta cast MD over this. I just think it’s an annoying gimmicky ability that would do better without the insane number of yoinks. Like I said I am all for Warrs getting Necro banner back over that ability.
No, neither of us are meta spec. I wasn’t trying to dunk on your rating. I was just assuming you were calling me dirt. But Arms will absolutely be better than Hunter here soon in 10.0.5. There is no doubt in my mind on that.
If you feigned and sac’d you did everything you reasonably should have so I wasn’t actually insinuating you were. Frankly that’s what team mates are for and shuffle is a huge gamble if they help.
So no, I wasn’t actually saying you died because you played like dirt, I was actually blaming the team in general because if someone is low and getting beaten down, that’s where peeling or healer cds come in.
Edit: I’ll add this, might have been no ones fault. At some point people run out of cds and die in goes too.
Funny thing was, the healer than went 1 and 5 was screaming at me after I died in the spear saying I shouldn’t be lining him. I mean I was out in the middle and clearly in his LoS. There was just nothing more I could do. Wall was on CD because Devoker hit me for a 130k Fire breath and I panicked wall so I wouldn’t get insta killed with execute. Turtle was on CD from the first spear go. The only thing I had left at that point was a feign/pet sac.
Healers are quite on the edge because of their cr realizing they have to put more effort in than dps, I guess that’s what I’m hearing. I tend to ignore the shouting rage behavior and just continue the match.
Not a single SL leggo or cov ability and conduit should have left SL.
They need to go through talent trees, prune them and try again. Imagine making a new expansion and porting over legendaries/cov abilities/conduits and the borrowed power attached to them instead of actually making a new expansion that includes a reworked tree with brand new abilities and talents.
Instead we got conduits, leggos and cov abilities thrown into a talent tree with our base abilities and sold it to us in an expansion. Talk about LAZY and zero effort class design
Years to come up with a fresh look for each class/spec and thats the most effort a company that wealthy will give? WoW def in its sunset years with that kind of effort.
Playing Fury myself, and Spear is pretty much all I’ve got for a meaningful burst. I spend 90% of my matches CC’d and Rooted unable to do anything.
Spear gives me a few seconds with my target, at least. It has a long CD, and in lobbies full of ranged it’s somewhat of a lifeline, tbh. Storm Bolt is nice, but it goes right back to being kited and rooted endlessly.
Spear is fine. Long CD, and if your healer is paying attention you can easily survive it. Much to my dismay, but it is what it is.
Warriors don’t have CC. We have Spear. Don’t take that from us too. Yeesh.
Quite literally just need a dragon to just bring you out of it or something if that even works
Spear actually owns hunter absurdly hard we just had craven as a gimmick mechanic to let us avoid it last xpac
Being controlled over your positioning that long as a hunter is just an automatic death sentence
Petsac is just not saving you through a spear go
Not having your freezing trap for the healer is throwing the game in almost all situations
You can have your scatter shot to give you 4 seconds of relief of spear which doesn’t necessarily account for the other dps on the enemy team who will still be free to attack assuming it’s their go and not yours
Also can just shove a storm during that window if necessary to be unpeelable anyways
I mean to me this is a hunter issue mostly anyways not necessarily spear although I still think the mechanic is stupid beyond belief
kyrian punch first then they waste leap and you rop the spear. Then expect them to run into the rop exactly 2 times and cast bladestorm. Idk why but you can count two knockbacks every time before the bladestorm comes out. Prob just warrior brain but it gives you a couple seconds of breathing room.
Yeah dude also called the warrior just not pressing spell reflect or covering you in any way whatsoever which is really easy for them to avoid this scenario to begin with
On top of you ever wasting a freezing trap defensively is going to hurt your momentum severely, and you’re the primary CC on your team to begin with so even if you survive you’ve just lost so much pressure that you’re delaying the inevitable in many situations
Or quite simply as I said it’s so easy to just avoid yourself from being peeled by a hunter as a warrior in a spear this is like not even a real response
Spear really is like one of the most brutal mechanics to deal with as a hunter, any of the counterplay suggestions here are pretty laughable at best and I think you’d have to play hunter to really see it
That being said I also don’t think it’s a mechanic that’s really going to go anywhere and realistically hunters just didn’t complain about it as much in Shadowlands or notice how hard this mechanic owns hunters in general just because craven existed but without a doubt even looking in Shadowlands if craven didn’t exist Hunters by far would have been one of the worst classes into a Kyrian warriors just because of how little you can really do against that mechanic.