It’s 125 mana at lvl 50.
Nice try.

Shamans deserve every buff they get and never deserve to be nerfed.

Sweet…. And we are taking away paladins magic dispel as well right?

One faction shouldn’t have an additional source of dispels ofc.

Everyone suggesting ideas is doing so from a place of rage and just wanting to see shaman gutted.

First they should make MD half your healing spell power gained.

Somehow take riptide from enhance, it’s too problematic.

Then bring in actual damage reductions again around 20-30%.

You won’t be able to know how to balance the game when you have shamans, rogues, boomkins , lock and load mm hunters, absolutely demolishing people in 3 seconds.

Then look at classes and tune from there.

They could also likely tune down things on problematic classes like:

  • make mutilate give 1cp or cost 60 energy

  • nerf dw rune on shaman , reducing offhand damage or reducing the physical hit, or both.

  • transferring priest damage OUT OF THEIR instant cast dots and pets and loading it more into their cast time abilities as to actually promote a playstyle that isn’t completely brainless

  • I have zero clue how the make it so chimaera shot instant cast crits aren’t hitting for 1.6k-2.2k.
    The only thing I know is it forces me to not want to play a class without a poison cleanse because it’s absolutely annoying to deal with an infinite mana class that can move and do damage at range. I don’t have a problem killing them on shaman because I have mobility , and a cleanse. I can’t imagine how annoying it is for anyone else.

  • I’m not sure fire mage is a problem, ours in our premades regularly does 40% more damage than the entire team in any team fight. But likely that’s okay. Mainly because fire mages get crushed in most 1v1s.

  • something should be nerfed on master channeler. It’s an absolute problem to fight for any class that cannot dispel or self heal. During the damage nerd it didn’t feel too oppressive.

Honestly it’s hard to say what SHOULD be changed because without some damage nerf we play in a clown world where any class is killing any class in 3 seconds. Heal cuts and team play is irrelevant, we are playing SoD of duty. Enhance dominate in this meta because they have high burst and can heal between encounters. I don’t see that changing.

Once enhance gets access to actual 2.9 speed weapons, it’s a wrap. The burst will be unmanageable

so in your mind the only way for shamans get nerfed, is if paladins get even More nerfed? just cant let faction classes be on equal footing eh?

I actually in my mind believe, paladins should be buffed and stronger with slow weapons not this weirdo abysmal fast weapon exo spamming nonsense. But generally people don’t ask what people think they infer and shadow box their own demons. So I appreciate you asking.

Paladins being a slow class should be a devastating force to connect with you. They should hit slow and HARD. Also idk why their art of war can’t be used on heals like in later versions of the game.

They should make this change to paladins.

But they should still tone down the burst across the board and still make my above change.


i actually think paladin damage does need a buff but not necessarily damage, they rarely can even do their damage because of so many things that prevent them such as being kited and not having a way to close gaps efficiently. Yes they do need more damage but they need alot more help in the fact that they dont have much else other then a stun that almost always gets resisted and some long CD timers. it feels bad that can win any form of battle requiring those CDs.

i think you make a good point but my suggestion is more in the direction on of the latter. Paladins need to add more factors when they attack other then just raw damage. Meanwhile shamans are placing dots, interupting, snaring, 20 other things where all paladins apply is their weak damage hits

Yawn. Just get better at your class? Just a thought.

Nerf paladins!

There is no way for other classes to counter.

The game is broken. I don’t see a way to fix it at this point. And Blizzard doesn’t know how to fix it either. What do we do? wait for another damage nerf/buff every week. Forget this.

Maybe I’ll try another version of WOW in the future, but I’m done for now.

(really done have given away 2k of gold and all of my supplies and deleted about 50 characters. One battlenet dropped. All 5 accounts unsubbed.

If you nerf shamans you have to NERF PALADINS

The five minute arguement is absolute trash. This is a not a moba or an action rpg, you are not fighting something every 30 seconds that constitutes the need to have all of your cds unless you choose to enter an instanced battleground where other players can supplement support due to it being a group environment.

In open world pvp and in the majority of cases you will have your bubble up. And yes if you use your tools correctly every five minutes you have the ability to outplay a shaman.

In most cases shamans counter paladins which is part of the rock paper scissors. You can press a button to get out of jail free against a rogue meanwhile we die in stunlock. The game has counters and shamans counter paladins but in no way are you defenseless. Plus your arguement of “oh if a paladin bubbles you should go aggro a random mob for 12 seconds” makes no sense. I should get something else to also come beat on me while the paladin also is still attacking?

If you fight us use repentance as a means to recover mid fight then use bubble into hoj after bubble depletes. You get tons of freedom to fight back if you dont backpedal away in bubble like 90% of the rets that come on here to cry.

The only reason shaman are doing so well now is because they are used to being the underdogs so when you actually balance them their skilled player base just blows every one else out of the water. When you look at other classes percentiles just know that all the other classes top 10 wouldn’t even break the top 1000 shaman parses. Also the shaman community is the most respectful and respectable community so its no question on why the devs love us.

uhhhh no. pretty cringe stuff u said here

the map only evened out to get to BS when dk’s got Path of Frost. The Horde is on the flag at BS when alliance just reaching bridge. It takes a really strong team to get bs on alliance. It can be done but NOT with 4 or 5 Shamans there.

I’ve played both sides. I’ve always thought they should switch it up randomly, including AV.

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wow. just. wow. this has to be the most asinine argument ever. so in your mind its okay for a class to only have a fighting chance every 5 minutes vs constantly like the shamans?

like i said many times before, shamans maybe able to win in pvp effortlessly, but they cannot make an argument for their life to defend/mitigate how busted they are in discussions. garbage arguments all around. Using repentance as a positive argument has got to be the most laughable thing ive seen a shaman argue yet

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dang if only shamans had a skill that was on a 2 min CD that gave mana back, ill be honest with you i don’t care that shamans do as much dmg they as they do, i really don’t
it’s that they have and answer to everything and STILL do as much dmg as they do

they have a fear clear totem
they have a snare and root clear totem
they have poison clear totem
they can regain mana
they can move all of these totems
which also effect the other 4 people in the team
And also they tend to be orcs so they have a 30% chance to resist stuns

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Cry more :stuck_out_tongue:

Incursion area?
How many fights in a row do you think you can have? Only one?

Try to think more please.

Thank you for admitting Shaman > Paladin.
Now with this in mind there is an important problem that Blizzard must fix.

As a big Video Game Compagny you can’t say to your playerbase “There are two factions in the game but only one is dominant because its unique class overwhelms the unique class of the opposite faction”.

They should neutralize each other.

Don’t you have a pvp trinket to get out of stunlock? :thinking:

And it should be the same for paladin.
Paladin must counter shaman.

So please show us your paladin and how you fight shaman O PvP GrandMaster if it’s so easy.

Ok I see where your mentality is now. You just want to have no counterplay to your class and will constantly undervalue your class while overvaluing every tool shamans have. I obviously don’t play alliance since I have played shaman since the original classic launch but Ive fought plenty enough paladins that I can tell which ones know their own strengths and are capable of using them. You just want to get free wins for very little effort.

The faction classes are not meant to equal each other and never have. If so shamans wouldnt have been subpar in comparison to paladins for the past three expansions but the one time we have an advantage you can’t handle yourself. Continue backpedaling in bubble onto the forums to complain about anything and everything shamans have that you dont.