Ok and take away paladins Cleanse?


I never said paladins are currently overpowered … We have been underperforming all of SoD. I’m saying we nor shamans should be unfairly strong while exclusive to 50% of players.

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If you quit over this, can I have your gold?

The 5 minute cooldown says no? Dang!

Cata night and day better than sod certainly but mop / legion far better than cata

Now add that together with 5 other paladins spacing out their bubbles. Add graveyard rezzes at AB. That all adds up to time for enemy reinforcements to show up, all while a flag can’t get capped.

Now you regroup, and try to hit the flag again. You got a little time before bubbles are back up, but that’s nearly 90 seconds of “you definitely can’t get a flag” every 5 minutes. You got a mere 3 and half minutes to try.

Now tell me what Horde can do to stop flag caps?


Bubble may be overtuned given an AB flag cap situation, a lot depends how much damage reduction they apply, but as a whole shaman is far more oppressive in PvP than paladin if comparing the two faction classes. Atm paladin is strong, and h pal probably very strong at 60, but enhance damage and major utility outweighs paladin’s current strength


Nobody wants to play Cata bro


Thats alot of hypothetical bs. When do you think 10 pugs will ever space out thier bubbles? These are randoms with no comms 80% of the time


Youre arguing about pvp using pve examples

rerolling blue in phase 2 was the best decision I’ve ever made. Grass is definitely greener in this case.


So you want to get rid of an iconic Warcraft 3 ability they’ve always had huh?

Im not some Cata Fanboy but think your wrong. Cata will be just fine even if it is just a quick waiting room for MOP. In the meantime you enjoy your glass cannon style SoD pvp and ill enjoy the most balanced pvp that any expansion has ever provided.

A wild growth player would say this, lmao. Okay, let me correct you…

Its not hypothetical. I fought paladin stacks like 5 games in a row. A group of 5 paladins can honestly spin a flag against 8-10 horde, shamans or not.

Haha, that’s funny because on the Horde side, we’re saying the same things but for paladins. :3

uh oh…someone didn’t tell this guy about the full kill in a HOJ pallies with a bubble and an extra life…yikes

You have two classes that can defensively dispel. How is our 20 year old ability suddenly a problem but cleanse is not?

Holy crap you have to be trolling…


One can remove 2 magical buffs on enemy players and the other one can remove 1 poison, 1 disease and 1 magical debuff

At first they seem equivalent but there are so many magical debuffs in the game such as dot - magical snares - etc… You’ll burn an entire mana bar before you’d be able to remove all the debuffs (and I’m not even speaking about rogue’s poisons).

I’m asking you genuinely how many purge you need to strip an enemy from all its buffs?

Since P3 there is a counter to cleanse it’s called unstable affliction.
What’s the counter to purge?

It’s an 1100 heal once every like 10seconds of he has full melee uptime. If 1100hp is a LoH to you then the problem is you are PvPing naked…put some gear on.