Nerf Shamans : Lava burst should not get 100% crit from Flame shock

I am all for them nerfing shaman damage. But I also would like instant ghostwolf and maybe lasso or some cc from later expansions similar to how rogues got between the eyes from a later expansion.

Make people use cc and utility again.

Right now it’s just blast em all, well actually rn I’m doing M+ in retail because SoD is dead for horde for PvP queues

would you rather lasso or hex? instant ghost wolf would be cool, let me get long arm of the lawwwwwwwwwwwwww then :sunglasses: . it’d have to be reworked to proc from melee range since we can’t even take the long range judgement rune. just a short like 2-3 sec burst of move speed on judgement

I would like to see the SP from Burn removed.

post on your Paladin

I’d like to see casters do as much as melee in raids, whats your point?

You smoking something if you think warriors even geared abd even skill has a spit of a chance at beating shaman. Even if you survive their burst they will spam insta heals while having infinite mana. Shamans are a warriors worst nightmare. You play horde so you wouldnt know. But good attempt at acting like you know.


this ^

Ele shaman have

  • Spell immunity
  • Physical immunity
  • CC immunity
  • Self healing
  • Fear/Charm break
  • Offensive Dispel
  • AOE Poison cleanse
  • AOE Disease cleanse
  • AOE Slow
  • Single target slow
  • 40% movement speed boost
  • Spell interrupt
  • 75% self mana regen
  • Aoe party wide mana regen
  • 20% damage reduced cooldown

I’m probably forgetting stuff as well. Point is shaman have more utility than any other class in the game. They should be dramatically lower in damage output as a result, especially in pvp.


making this list wont matter because shamans just want to have everything, its a class designed for 5 year olds


We talking about paladin bubbles now?

You know what shamans cant do? Anything while stunned.

Take the MOBA route.

Take a Stun

If you want to go that route then okay. Delete elemental shaman from the game, since paladins are not ranged. Then nerf all enhancement shaman damage by about 30% so they’re equal with paladins. Also purge, that’s gone too.


stuns get resisted like 50% of the time not to mention u can trinket out of it and also have near immunity with hardiness from orc racials. nice try


If it wasn’t a shaman, and it was another class that could be an orc, you would still complain about this because orcs will be orcs.

(30% btw, not 50)

It’s an important distinction because plenty of shamans are not orcs. Tauren is a very popular choice. But you Alliance think all horde players are basically stun immune, regardless of race, so even when you see a big cow throwing meatballs at you, you still will try to say they’re stun immune.

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Unfortunately the cry of the few may yet get their way.

Regardless of the caliber of the player, accessibility will likely override the ebb and flow as far as fun goes… Meaning, quite simply, nerfs and redesign to cater to the casuals. Who complains the most about shamans? CC dominating rogues and mages? Warlocks? Hunters? Priests? What about warriors or paladins?

Perhaps it’s those classes that naturally have always dominated a shaman and been able to easily counter them without the threat of losing if they stumble up and make a mistake in doing so.

It would appear that people are discovering in this iteration of WoW (SoD), that shaman are simply a hard counter to their casual action plan/play/tactics.

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Me getting stunned til dead several times each BG says otherwise but do prattle on.


and not the spread? I would like to see the spread not work in PvP. But leave the buff along… otherwise shaman’s dont have a SP buff. What was the name of the SP damage buff totem? Dont play retail shaman.

Shaman don’t need a spell power buff.

Zumer, old buddy old pal… you silly gnome.

I do hope Mages get lots of loving in phase 4.

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some of these dudes are super hyperbolic in their criticisms of ele, but it is fair to say that spreading flame shock to 5 targets every 6 seconds is too much. I want ele to have burst.

it doesn’t matter to me in a 1v1 how many dudes they can hit with it. it certainly can be deciding factor in a team fight though.

if they don’t give alliance shamans/horde paladins, this will continue to be a complaint until burn gets nerfed. it’s an insane advantage one side has over the other. get real man. 2 ele shams can effectively dot your entire team at blacksmith in a global.

enhance has been crazy for 2 entire phases, they are king of the melee and faction specific. I think they should make art of war give an instant flash of light with some kind of ICD OR make MSW healing take a further penalty than hardcasting their heals.

those 2 changes would be fair, and not gut the specs, and that’s not even acknowledging how grossly overbudget their runes are.

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