Nerf Paladins

You seem to care a lot, you just called those people mindless fish swimming upstream lmao, you have awfully strong opinions for someone who thinks M+ is boring but also that the tank spec dominating keys needs to be nerfed. Epically accurate guild name, especially if you’re the gm or it’s your alt guild lol.


we like to say nerf paladins, when the real issue is shammys doing 3times the dps of the next contender


When you look at the M+ keys and the top 200+ ranks are paladin while the % of tank brought to keys only gets worse in paladin favor… I understand no one wants to be nerfed but just look at how everyone else is doing then you have paladin.

This only applies to the enemy. Blizzard tunes up the player all the time.

We had all of the same utilities now thank the past 3 expansions and were next to BM in representation before the .0.5 patch. The utility isn’t the reason we are meta, it’s simply the damage.

This shows you don’t know what you’re talking about because it’s called Divine Toll and avengers shield does interrupt the first target. Not all bounces.

Avengers shield being cast every 5 seconds is 3 extra shields going out and at times intervals. This doesn’t mean they will go out when you need it.

LOL so we went from looking at the bottom 95% and top 5% representation to you cherry picking the top .05%.



The talent that gives Divine toll the ability to do this is Divine Resonance, maybe go check your talents.

Divine Resonance is a modifier to the ability called Divine Toll. Maybe learn the names of the ability you are calling for nerfs on.


There’s nothing in there about Interrupting/Silencing more than the first struck. Imagine being wrong and doubling down. How embarrassing.


I’m going to move us here. Even though I don’t like Krystil, I do respect the thread for the other Warriors.

I think this is a difference in gameplay mindset. Golden Val’kyr to me is a defensive and there are times where I will let it pop over. However, the reason I brought it up is because if Val’kyr is on CD then Eye of Tyr is not enough to mitigate the damage if you are dry on Holy Power and unable to stack pre-wog + avenger’s shield.

If I have Val’Kyr up, then there are times I will just use Eye of Tyr knowing it won’t kill me. Yes, I know Val’Kyr isn’t a cheat death and you can still be one-shot. It’s calculated.

That’s because they are running full teams with comms to cover all defensive gaps with Pain Suppression. This is a different story with pugs where we benefit more from having Eye than not. This is why players shouldn’t follow the top player builds blindly.

I didn’t call this a CD. I stated that there are times when we are dry on Holy Power and unable to have both AS and pre-WoG up before a tank buster.

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EoT is the only optional def cd that you may use if you insist on overlapping because it’s too weak. Not all pallies use EoT.

Prot Paladin used to be balanced by having that really strong utility, but the lowest damage - Which meant while it was a very strong choice for many M+ seasons (DF S3/S1, SL S1-S4, BFA all seasons) usually being placed as 2nd or 3rd best tank, it might not be the best tank, though completely viable all the way up to title range - In fact, there hasn’t been a season yet where no Prot Paladin was unable to achieve M+ title as far as I know.

So yes, reduce their damage. Or, make Refining Fire a talent choice node with a new talent that gives Avengers shield its silence back. That way you don’t mess up their raid balance/throughput while balancing their M+ utility with their damage.

I’ve already addressed this.

Eye is the only CD I suggested overlapping. I specifically stated Eye with AD.

This isn’t true. We always had good damage and decent mitigation. That’s our trademark. This season we have great damage and decent mitigation. Single target, yeah it’s bad.

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Only due to M+ paladins taking Blessed Hammer to stack up HP between packs to keep tier set rolling. I don’t know if next tier will change it dramatically, but switching to HotR would significantly help out with their ST, I’m pretty sure.

Tbh, I don’t watch stream often but I do sometime,s and it’s very rare to hear a pally to ask for external ded cds. Bear, DK, brew, may be, but not pally. As I mentioned that dps/heal’s survivability usually hits cap first before tank so spending external resource on tank = losing external resource for party.

Yeah there’s definitely builds for single target, but even then it’s been mediocre. I think the last time HotR was used was like early SL.

They practice the routes and pulls so much that the healer just knows through repetition. They also have addons to track tank CDs.

I use Omni CD where I can see everyone’s interrupt CD and track any specific CD like burst CDs or External defensives.

They also took the talent point from Eye and put it into Moment of Glory for the 20% extra AS damage and CDR because they are running keys so high that they need every little DPS gain they can get.

The dmg from AS is not high outside of toll or overall dmg. Imo, they run Glory to combo with wings to make it a real def cd. Wings don’t give any survability outside of bigger WoGs (and those cost gcds); Glory can cover than weakness.
If you don’t care much about dps at lower keys, sentinel is also a solid def cd that would cover the cd gaps.

It sounds like the OP missed out on warrior tanks being sought out for in m+ at the start of TWW. Too busy running delves?

I want to see Blood DK buffed.

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The damage from AS is our top damage specifically because of the talent that applies a dot. The CDR from Moment of Glory enables 100% uptime and 20% extra damage for the duration. This is also something that can be pre-popped before Divine Toll is used.

I don’t think the barrier gained from Moment is enough to be considered a defensive.


This was from my +13 SV. The DoT makes the damage.

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I wouldn’t really call them mediocre. At the 95th percentile (Meaning, you do your rotation mostly correct)

Paladin dps in Raid is on average 1.1m and sitting comfortable in first place raid wise, while all the other tanks besides Blood DK (1.06m) sit just below 1m dps overall, meaning theres about a 10% higher throughput on Paladin compared to other classes.

In keys, at the 95th percentile again, we see Paladin at around 1.1m dps overall, though this is a much starker difference from other tanks (Brew, 2nd highest, 923k dps overall) representing a 19.17% higher DPS in keys between the tank that has historically been called the “4th DPS spec”

I think balance would be a lot better overall if Paladin DPS was brought down to the other tanks levels. Again, I’m more than fine with their strong utility, and they are fairly decent on mitigation, but I wouldn’t be opposed to all tanks being beefed up in their DR.


Are these single target fights though? I don’t raid so you tell me.

The damage is the reason we are meta. You remove that and another class would take over. I agree that overall balancing needs to be better, they can increase damage output for other tanks but I don’t see a problem with paladins leading in damage and being meta for a season.

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I meant yeah if you add the dot dmg, but dot dmg doesn’t scale with Glory, and you don’t spam shield even when Glory is up because it cost gcds which leads to less HPs/SoRs. The only situation you should spam shield is there are multiple cast for you to interrupt then each shield would be equal to 1 HP, but then it’s for ultility rather than dmg.