Geared warriors with healers aren’t busted?
Yes “I have the ability and people can’t do anything” or “I don’t have the ability and I can’t do anything” truly the essence of counterplay.
I’m honestly astounded at how you don’t understand how this is the definition of binary ie non-interactive gameplay.
Congratulations on #3 Prot Paladin that truly is an impressive accomplishment, but sadly just being able to play soccer doesn’t make you a great coach.
Being good at a game doesn’t necessarily correlate with an understanding of game design.
So if we don’t know what immunities are being added why would you bring it up in the first place?
You’re speculating on a speculation.
When you are looking at game design, viewing it solely from one perspective IS a problem.
The game isn’t played in a vacuum and there are countless different interactions that need to be considered.
I’m sure release Death Knights thought that was the best version of their class, it doesn’t mean it was great design for the game.
I’ll even concede a little, maybe Prot Divine Steed would be amazingly fun for Prot in SoD, however sadly that is not how SoD works.
One of the largest difficulties with SoD is the fact that each spec (and rune) is accessible to all players of a class. When changing something for one spec it has to be taken account of the effect that it will have for the other specs.
my guy you are the geared warrior with a healer combined LOL
You new? Try healing as a Paladin in the middle of combat with a rogue shaman warrior or anything else and then delete your comment when you are dead
this is the main reason people complain about paladins. it’s 100% clear that it is the dev favored class, and while things might get better at higher level caps, I would bet paladins are going to get even more amazing runes as well, some of which so powerful and broken that we cannot even imagine them right now
Dude. Just take the L.
He CLEARLY understands the class mechanics.
It is actually nuts. I main Paladin in Era and it is literally everything we could ever want.
Meanwhile, Druid sitting here with all of its era problems intact and a bottom-tier rune package
Ah, may your class live and die by the damage meters of a raid and low level PvP BGs. Two weeks ago hunter…then again hunters…then again hunters, now Pallies. Hmmmm if we keep with the history of everything then that means at some point Mages are next followed by priest, then Shamans because they are forever taking a slap across the face for no reason, then Druids till all they can do is heal again, then we all sit back in shock and wonder why Rogues, Warriors, and Warlocks when they get their full gear and kits are Monsters and we can’t understand why.
(eats popcorn) I got no dog in this fight, just sad it seems to be the same old fight time and time again. (shrugs) not my problem
Wait what? How is that even relevant to anything I’ve said, or Divine Steed?
I honestly have no idea what you are talking about and can only expect you were meant to reply to someone else.
bro is replying to me cause he got kicked as a pally trying to face heal a rogue without bubble and thinking warriors atm outshine unless they’re rocking the all BiS gear lol
Meant to reply to guy right above me
the only nerf paladins need is a 10 min cd to bubble, its dumb how can they bubble at the start of a battle and kill you before you even touch them, I still dont know why they nerfed hunters if there are like 4 more classes that literaly only takes 1 CC to kill you.
Need shamans immediately!