Nerf Orc Before Cross-faction PvP

Just make cross-faction now fr

While I agree they should either nerf Orc racial or buff underused racials in both Horde and Alliance, so that there is bigger variety of races in PVP, they also should make adjustments to classes who use it just to survive. 90% Shamans pick it because they are extremely vulnerable to stun goes as their only ability usable in stun Thunderstorm is not much useful against ranged enemies and melee enemies after its knockback just insta charge / leap / rush / shadowstep back. To address that, they could for example return Shamanistic Fury back and replace Astral Shift with it.


This is largely inflated by the fact human can’t be shaman, otherwise you’d prob see less disparity as human racial is very strong too. Also more players play horde. But the monk part speaks loudly either way.

I play an undead and an orc warlock. I haven’t climbed significantly higher in rating on one than the other. The racial is certainly helpful, but I don’t think it’s anywhere near the top of the list of the “Things That Need To Be Nerfed Right Now” list. It hasn’t changed much as far as my success rate in arena goes.

I think a better solution is instead of nerfing racials, maybe just remove them from baseline and add a talent tree where you can pick a few. That way you can play whatever you want and slot the ones that make sense for your content choice.

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Orc monks/sub rogues/shamans, etc. That attack power racial needs to be toned down drastically. 12 years overdue for a change.


I think human relent is equally as broken it’s just no one plays alliance.

As shaman you have 6 choices on horde and they all have useless facials for pvp aside from orc.

Relentless + Human racial has one major vulnerability - you cannot remove incaps / disorients / silences / disarms from yourself except when your class has such an ability and this vulnerability is exploitable.

Don’t forget that the racials you talking about for some strange reason they share a short cd with your trinket making it extremely risky to use in most cases

Prior to it being nerfed to oblivion it was. No comparison now.

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I mean almost every human melee class/spec uses relent

Lose a trinket though which is massive. It’s only good for a very select few class/specs

Purging combustion from a mage is the best feeling in the world.


In such a high dmg meta where you can be dropped almost within a global (by many classes), the strength of stun reduction is game changing. That isn’t to say other races don’t have some amazing racials as well (looking at you shadowmeld).

or last ssn when dark soul was purgable

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Orc racial has to be nerfed…

Everyone is going to say it needs to be mirrored or nerfed. So Blizzard should do what they say they’re doing “listening to us.” and just stop the problem ahead of time.

That or just get rid of them entirely.

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I think racials add something to the game, just the races I like are seldom BIS.

No need just buff other racials to similar power level

Basically reverse nerfing it.