Nerf Mages & Locks

Beat them over the head with the Nerf bat

Nerf ret paladins


Says the Paladin who got a buff to Ret while they are already S+ tier Tanks/Healers🤦‍♂️. Maybe if you got off the forums trolling all day you’d actually be able to clear a HM. Full DPS classes like Mage, Hunter, Lock, Rogue should do top dps imo.

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For someone who complained on another thread that Ulduar was too hard you realize nerfing some of the best DPS classes won’t help there?

Nerf dark iron.
I get enough from regular iron.


I don’t think you can use glyph of Hand of Reckoning until level 70. So “Says the paladin” doesn’t work here.

That being said.

Fire mage gonna be #1 in TOGC, get ready for your wife to leave you for a fire mage.

Maybe me.

She might but you’re going to have to shave that neck beard off and take a bath.


She’s with a dps warrior… how high can her standards be?



Asking for a friend

Ttw will always pull ahead.

Ffb is good on specific fights because it has a higher crit damage multiplier.

Ffb is also good if you want to go into fire but you still lack the hit

Basically I do ffb for Hodir and General and then ttw for everything else

Whats stopping you from doing that to them?

Womyn can smell the Hunter on you.
Plus, guh-nome. Gross.

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This post is about as bad as a Frosstfire post.

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“nerf everything that out performs me please”
blatant sarcasm but accurate to OP

You and him have the same skill level I hear

The voices back? I’m sorry.

They never go away

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