Nerf Mage Tower now or I unsub

If the numbers of people beating the challenge is below Blizzard’s goal then we’ll see more nerfs. There’s plenty of time now that Blizz extended the duration.

If the difficulty stays the same then you aren’t good enough at this level of tuning. Speaking a harsh truth isn’t trolling.

Still trolling please stop

Just ignore them, they don’t even have the single-challenge MT achievement so it’s all bluster at this point.

LOL referencing a posting toon to try and Achievement shame AND doing it on an account hidden toon yourself.


A posting toon with almost 18k achievement points. Sounds like your account-wide achievements would be showing up just fine.

Guess what’s not showing up for you?

How about relogging to update the achievements?

The Timewalking Mage Tower which I never said I did?
And? I don’t hide my Achievements like you do but I post on a random toon for obvious reasons.

What’s your excuse for completely hiding your profile? Perhaps you never beat the Mage Tower back in Legion like you claimed in your tiresome FOMO threads?

Was the Guardian Challenge nerfed?
Have players been reporting success?
If you can’t beat it now are you not good enough at this level of difficulty?

All truths.

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Damn I knew there were a ton of bad players in this game but everyone really showed up for this one. Have any of you considered learning how to play the game first? Or do you all use it as like a chat room with graphics now?

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My achievements aren’t hidden. Feel free to check them. Nobody can hide their achievements (well, they can limit them to a per-character basis, but that’s all).

Not once did I ever claim I completed the MT back in Legion. Did I try it near the end of ToS? Sure. Did I complete it? Nope. Just because I ragequit over farming Nethershards doesn’t mean I don’t have Legion MT experience, I just simply did not have the time to put into it. Life happens and FOMO is trash. Feel free to link to the post you claim I made where I said I completed the MT in Legion.

This time around I did it. Much more free time on my hands and no nethershard gate. It’s much nicer that way.

In any event, I’m glad you’re trying to talk down to others when you yourself haven’t completed (or even touched) a single challenge this time around. We need more toxicity in the community after all, right?

I am 100% going to unsub if they don’t nerf MT. This is ridiculously over tuned. This shouldn’t be so hard a casual player can’t achieve it. I don’t even like the looks of most of the MT gear but I want that Druid Were bear form for sure… it’s dope. There are enough rewards and titles for try hards… Been playing this game since 4 months after it was released… but they can count me as one of the people who quit playing here real soon if they don’t let casual players get some of the cool stuff. This just pisses me off TBH,


IMO there should be two difficulty options:

-The current one to earn OG appearances, and a nerfed one to award the TW appearances.

Or they can put the OG appearances behind the 36-challenge FoS, but if there’s going to be this level of difficulty in the game, they should bring the appearances back.


Pointing out that the Bear challenge was already nerfed and that if you still can’t beat it is just speaking truth as harsh as it seems.

If I tried it and kept failing after the nerfs I’d never come to the forums to QQ. I’d assume my skills weren’t up to it and move on.

I’m tired of all the victim posts on the forums.


I completely agree.

Heck, they could even treat it as a thing like the proving grounds with continually increasing difictulty. Clearing at the basic level gets you the new stuff/the mount for all 7, as the intent of time walking for being a ‘love letter to the past’. Silver tier could be some where inbetween bronze and gold and maybe drop class mog from mythic ToS or Argus (og, mog set, not the new recolor), and then ‘gold’ would grant the original MT mog sets.

It would allow people to not feel like this is a bait and switch with the advertising, would still allow for challenging content/bragging rights, and do what people originally wanted with a ‘bring back’ of mage tower of ‘same difficulty same rewards’ as it was back in the day.


You can’t possibly be telling other people that this is a fair challenge and they need to get good when you haven’t even accomplished this yourself.

Every challenge had been completed by someone, somewhere even before nerfs went out. But the exception doesn’t make the rule. And even some of the ones who completed it did it in specialized gear sets and spent hours at a time at the keyboard wiping hundreds of times.

The nerfs are nowhere near enough for the players that are really struggling.


Out of all the reasons to unsub that aren’t ridiculous, you had to pick the one.

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Well, this was the possibly the last good thing that WoW had to offer me for the time being, and they bungled this.

9.2 is likely going to be fan service for raiders at the cost of the remaining non-raiding playerbase.

Oh trust me, they hate the raiders too. We just log off after because there’s nothing worth doing.

Anyone who thinks they cater to us at all has been asleep since WoD.

Nothing in this game requires anything more than a few addons and a guide. Game is easy

Agree, the hp is very high

   I only want the priest transmog set and have spent the last 6 days trying all 3 specs dumping loads of gold into consumables and crafting some on my alts to no avail.
  I mostly have been trying to holy priest challenge and I can't get past the risen warrior and having to face tank it 2 to 3 times before he dies and when I do I then have to deal with face tanking 2 of them? 

 I have researched all the guides and they 100% hit me harder than what I see in the guide. I go from near full health to 20% in 3 hits. 

All this challenge has done is break my spirit and frustrate me to the point this game isn’t even fun for me. I can’t get passed the stupid 3rd or 4th wave in phase 1.


Just think about this like this = People left coz of w/e reasons then blizz started adving for MT so the sub numbers go up ,and then people came back but ding ding ding its screwed and after putting lots of hours there is no result then people get upset .

I was dying eagerly waiting since they announced it but this is just trash .

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