Nerf Mage Tower now or I unsub


K, if its that serious, bye…

“keep your bad takes for yourself”

As I said, I’ve finished the legion magetower ONE YEAR before you.

There are players just like me stating exactly this. They finished during legion and consider this one, a timewalk content, unbalanced.

Again, what seems to be the correct answer?
a) Players who did this content on legion got worse over the years
b) Dev team just did an unbalanced release


You should calm down, I can hear your blood pressure churning from halfway across the world.

As someone who cleared this on 3 different tanks when it was current (DK, Monk, DH, none super overgeared), I spent hours on this. Its super overtuned compared to the original. Almost laughably so cause of the ghosts on the tank one.

Also this xpac your rotations were built to function around mechanics or legendaries and covenant abilities. These things could be nerfed in ilvl but to remove them completely breaks the toons.

In Legion you had 1-2 legendaries PLUS your artifact weapon itself which were super OP no matter how little gear you had.

This is one of blizz biggest blunders this xpac.
They are trying to save this game from collapse and this isnt gonna do it. This is just gonna piss people off more.

To all the special snowflakes out there, look I killed this on 3 toons in legion. Check my achievements if you want.
This is astronomically harder than it was in legion just mechanically without taking the gear scaling down into effect.

I mean if it was this hard you need to give the original weapons, AND its time limited.
Or recolor the mythic sets at least. Good lord this is a total F-.

NO ONE was excited to run old legion 5 mans, the mage tower was the only thing people give a crap about in this mini-patch.

WoW isnt the same game it was in 2017. I dont want this thing to be cake but it shouldnt be substantially harder than the original.

People saying lol people outgeared it in legion, who is this designed for? The 1% of people like me who beat it in legion and to cut that to 0.5%?

If new content was this hard ok.

This is timewalking for 4 year old content for a recolor of a NORMAL MODE set. Stop it.
Honest question has any tank beat this since they buffed it 3x?


I did the MT challenge on undergeared toons when it was current content, in fact on 36 specs and got all the appearances. It is not meant to be this difficult. When i did it on my feral which was an off off spec in Legion i one shot it.

The tank challenge i tried, the circle around the first boss is larger than it was when it came out too, havent seen many people say anything about that yet either. And yeah the ghosts came out first time and one ghost aoe’d and i went from 95% to dead in one second, that never ever ever happened when this was current so if someone thinks so they they didnt do it when it was out or theyre ignorant or delusional.

I did talk to my GM and said i might be unsubbing til 9.2 and a lot of people agreed in guild cause of this s*** show they put out there. Blizz is out of touch with their player base and has been since the start of BFA and this glaring showing of Mage Tower enforces that even more.

Ive read so many posts and comments of people with their usual bs like “get good” or “it was that hard when it came out”, no it really wasnt. The day it came out i had it done on at least 5 toons because it was pretty easy with gear. The issue is you cant out gear it cause everything you have lowers down. My big issue is they took away anything that would help and left you with a base character, boosted the health/dmg/healing of the bosses and mobs and assume it would work. So saying “its the same thing as it was when it came out” but not being able to use anything you could then is not the same thing.


You are correct. It isnt 2017. This thing is totally broken.

Also in 2017 we had at least 1 legendary that functioned AND the artifact weapon itself. That made a huge difference.

Now - the mechanics are substantially buffed at least in the tank one, your gear is obviously total garbage, also this xpac the classes are balanced to use a covenant ability and at least 1 legendary.

This is much harder than in lgeion. Like I said before, I beat this on 3 different tanks in legion, so I am not some casual crying for a handout.
But this isnt even a fun challenge you can literally be perfect and not come close to killing a thing.

The ghosts tick waaaay faster than they used to for waaay more damage. 1 second of their nova is a wipe from full health.
I have not seen 1 tank say they beat this since they buffed it 3x yesterday.

It was fine on ptr, it was fine durign legion. This is just stupid. Who was this content supposed to be for?


I cleared this exact same encounter week 1 on my mm hunter that i mained at the time dude, and i have done it again on day 1 on this character. You are just bad come to terms with it already jesus christ

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If you want this taken seriously, you need to post this on Twitter, twitch, Instagram, Facebook etc. They do not read, communicate or harvest feedback from the WOW forums. Only the TOA police watch it for rule breaking

your beneath ppl at this corporation, a consumer of their products, they can care less what you do and think. You leave, and they will create a gimmick to sucker two others to buy a sub


Lol yea dude im totally not laughing at you. Im mad at the dev team, sure bud

Yes, go to any class discord and you will se a lot of them, including bears on dreamgrove :slight_smile:

I haven’t done the MT yet… but hoping they are at least 30 to 50 pulls difficult like they were in legion and not 5 pulls casual GG.

MT was hard in legion before they maxed out everyone’s weapon in the later patch. It was easy then

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I doubt that after the 3x buff. Also reading your posts you are the “lol your bad” troll on here. If you are the best player in the world or among them fine. If you build your self esteem by calling people bad on forums, hey thats your business.

Most people complaining aren’t people who want a face roll, they want it to be equivalent to the oringinal.

Not only that you are commenting on classes you didnt even play or do. You do know it could be out of balance for one and not another since each roll has a different scenario.

People like you are what drive people away from wow. What you gonna do to troll for self esteem when the game is F2P cause no one wants to play with toxic slop?

none of your comments are relevant or helpful to the issues people are talking about.

You beat it great for you. But this is a 4 year old time walking event that gives a worse reward than the original and is substantially harder.

When you go roll a tank and beat the tank one, sure call me bad all day. You can be better than me I truly don’t care.


Its exactly like this for people who cleared on legion week 1. Took me 32 pulls, could have done a lot better for sure, but is nowhere near the drama these people are trying to make

You’re in the middle of some sort of superiority complex rage-fest. It’s adorable to watch you spend hours of your life fighting for all you’re worth to feel good about yourself Via insulting people over a video game.


I’m not sure if this is true or not because I didn’t do PTR. But why would they test something and then change it to an untested version?

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Okay, bye felicia?

I’ll take any research you don’t need cuz I’m still only tier 5

On social media, some high-influence players have been telling Blizzard not to nerf it. Keep in mind that some of these players had to try 50-100 times on this new Timewalking version, despite having successfully done it back in Legion and being aware of the mechanics.

One Venruki is worth millions of us, in terms of feedback. I want them to more properly balance the new Mage Tower, but do not dare hope.

If blizz based their decision on those people only they will have 50 people subbed eventually.

Who is this content for?

Anyone who says its not harder than the original even on release just is lying to try to make themselves feel special.

I cleared it on 3 tanks in legion.

you still had a legendary on release, not 2 I dont think, and the artifact weapon. all that worked.

Here they turned off the legendary abilities and covenant abilities that the classes were designed to function around this xpac.

I mean if they want less people to be able to do it than the original why is the reward a recolor of a normal mode set not even the mythic?

This is also time limited to 2 weeks but future 1 week every 4-5 months, also not like the original.

I know special snowflakes love to beat their chests about stuff like this but if they are interested in making money from the game they need to nerf it to at least what it was in legion.

The guy who is on here crying how he did it week 1 hasnt even done the scenario I am talking about. I have no idea how the dps one is tuned, I am talking about the tank one which they buffed substantially in the last 24 hours 3 different times.


Yes opposing to people that are either delusional or straight up lying = being a troll.

Well back in the day i did create this character with the sole purpose of having ben10 bear and celestial cat, so i’ll do the tank challenge again dont worry.

The whole point of my posts here is to show that there are a lot of people who enjoy the content being this hard, and like you said, if the practical in game reward is so insignificant just let the content serve its intent to be something difficult made exactly for people like me.

You dont see people complaining about casual content, if anything we advocate for more bc thats what make numbers. So why cant casuals just appreciate that a tiny bit of content made for people that like something very specific?

As an example: id love to have the “salty” title, just for the meme, but ill never btch and moan to blizzard to lower its requiriments bc it devalues the worth of getting it for the people that actually cares about that stuff. The simple solution for this and for the guys that cant beat the mage tower is to make an effort and own the reward the fair way.

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Lol i love your projections