Nerf leatherworking drums for TBC

Somewhat of a misnomer because there is no such thing as “No changes” in Classic WoW.

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The harm is that you have to be in the privileged faction for it to work. Honestly if they don’t give seal of blood to alliance paladins i hope it doesnt work.


Some say that Seal of Blood is only good at a certain gear range and even then its not all that much better than Command, but I qualify that it with “Remains to be seen” because I don’t know unless I personally observe it.

Was even told that Human is very competitive because of the free expertise allows them to gear a little more aggressively into stats that are obviously more desirable, but also qualify that with remains to be seen because I don’t know this to be true, its only what I was told.

Maybe the whole Bloodelf thing is over rated.

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Humans don’t get expertise they get 1% crit which is honestly pretty meh. Also seal of blood is way better at any gear range, it makes paladin scale with haste since it’s not a PPM system like SoC, blood elves do in average 10-15% more damage than an alliance pally its absurd.

I had to go look it’s indeed expertise for humans, dwarves, orcs and gnomes.

It’s better than command for a few reasons.

Seal of blood scales with Attack power, so it lets the pally have better gear itemization, basically he gets to gear like a warrior would.

Unlike the alliance who will use command, which scales off of split stats being spell power and attack power. It scales off of 29% of your spell power.

Both judgments scale off of spell power also, don’t recall the %.

I think the biggest benefit is the fact that you can use SOB to make a pally who’s similar to a warrior, so gearing is more straightforward.

Also to note from what I have seen the damage from command and SOB is similar, if judging on CD for a full minute SOB only pulls ahead by like 6-9%.


or you can just join a guild that doesnt care about the 5% haste


Change everything in TBC please.

I hope people now understand that the TBC crowd and onward are the reason retail WoW is 100% garbage, barbie doll blood elf, loot box fest.

Just repeating history now, only this time they are asking for changes stacked on changes.


TBC professions are the worst part of the expansion. Especially melee being locked into blacksmithing to even have a weapon. Overall tbc is where player choice starts to die, everything is streamlined and annoying compared to classic imo.

With 2008 dps and 2008 tuning… Todays players would probably steamroll even pre-nerf SWP and that’s not likely even what we’re gonna get…
And drums (and to a lesser extent Hero stacking) didnt really became “meta” until SWP because it was pretty much necessary to beat Brut back then. Today though people will go in day 1 knowing what the meta is… which is going to completely trivialize early bosses unless drums are tuned down a little.

I feel like if we’ve learned anything from Vanilla it should be that sometimes it’s ok to sacrifice having a “perfect museum piece” in the interest of providing a more entertaining or even more “authentic” experience.

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They get 5 expertise for maces & swords. Which is a less OP version of weapon skill. Still nice though.

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  • Dwarf: Gun Specialization now increases chance to critically hit with Guns by 1% rather than increasing weapon skill.
  • Gnome: Escape Artist cooldown increased to 1 min, 45 sec.
  • Humans: Mace Skill now increases the critical strike chance with maces and two-handed maces by 1%.
  • Humans: Sword Skill now increases the critical strike chance with swords and two-handed swords by 1%.
  • Orcs: Axe Skill now increases the critical strike chance with axes and two-handed axes by 1%.
  • Troll: Bow and Thrown Specialization now increases chance to critically hit with those weapons by 1% rather than increasing weapon skill.

Patch notes from patch 2.3.0

…so, don’t join a “serious guild”. Problem solved.

You’re delusional if you think 5% haste is the thing that is “making content too easy”

The things that will make classic TBC easy are:

-15 years of player skill and experience and knowledge
-being able to stack the raid with different classes/specs to have all the best buffs and debuffs
-having stable connections that don’t lag or d/c
-having computers that can run 60fps all the time
-various nerfs to content; you’re delusional if you think blizz will release pre-nerf fights


People who argue against killing drums are the type of people who get angry they can’t tie their shoes standing up. Seriously. What argument is there for drums to exist at all. They were a bad addition even in BC and you should feel bad arguing for them.


So that Leatherworking has some kind of combat bonus like all the other professions do.

The problem is that whiners like you keep proclaiming that everyone ABSOLUTELY NEEDS drums just to raid, and that literally every single guild will require all 25 raiders to be leatherworking…no, this is not true at all. Only the sweat-drenched top 1% will “require” leatherworking for the entire raid. It is completely viable to have 0 leatherworkers in the entire raid and still clear things just fine.


It will function exactly as Vanilla has: a museum piece with some minor tweaks that otherwise stays true to the original game. Brutallus isn’t going to suddenly do a new mechanic to spice up his fight, nor will Illidan introduce us to a new phase.

Most of Vanilla’s difficulty was wrapped up in the (false) notions that getting 40 people together was hard and getting those 40 people to semi coordinate was harder. Blizzard became disabused of that notion during TBC when they realized they could toss much more difficult encounters at players and they’d rise to the occasion, or at least attempt to do so.

We won’t have world buffs in TBC, and tuning is a lot tighter. Drums will be a great help to be sure, but guilds cleared at least as far as to M’uru without them at all.

I don’t think Drums will impact on player experience quite as much as world buffs did.

It will be a big help and make content easier but that’s a good thing, and you don’t need to have a network of warlocks and a hour or more out of your play time to help your team.

Am i missing something?

Technically, you’re right. But people like you aren’t being sincere, and know full well that it’s not really a matter of choice.

Good luck finding a worthwhile guild that isn’t a meta slave. The fact of the matter it’s not really a choice if less than 1% of guilds function that way. Nearly all guilds will utilize drums and ask you to be leather worker. You can make your own guild, but good luck getting it off the ground. Many guilds fail and never materialize as people jump ship for the easy loot in the meta slave guilds.


You are assuming that my endgame is hardcore raiding, it is not. There are other aspects of the game. Like experiencing The TBC world after all these years. It’s a 16 yo game, there is no race to the end. The game has already ended


You know, people said the exact same things about Classic.

  • “every raid is going to have 25 dps warriors!”
  • “if you’re a druid, you’re not going to be invited to any raids because druids suck!”
  • “if you’re a warlock, you’re not going to be invited to any raids because mages are better!”
  • “you have to stack all worldbuffs and consumes or nobody will give you a raid spot!”

…and none of those turned out to be true. Those statements only apply to the top 1% of sweaties that are tryharding in a 15 year old game. The rest of us are enjoying our “subpar” raids and progressing/clearing just fine.

Your “meta slave guilds” are a minority of players, yet you talk as if EVERY SINGLE GUILD is going to require you to be super-sweaty or they’ll gkick you.