Nerf Inferno dungeons please

Its because many do not do the dungeon correctly.


Use the cannones on anything with 2+mobs in the pull.
Let the blood mages make the rage zones and use them
CC the casters that make mobs have 300% bonus hp when they channel on them and kill everything else first, or burst them down with CC and stuns then kill the rest.
Use the robot on your weakest single target dps.
Ignore adds on last boss until she is in parry mode (tank still gets aggro) and use the rage zones (dont kill the blood mage before it casts the zone)

Deadmines is actually very fast if done right. The problem is most rdf groups ignore 90% of the mechanics there.

It does in the sense many mechanics can no longer be outright ignored by burning the boss.

For example grim batol final boss is MUCH harder if people are not dodging/dispelling the root that heals the boss. Most people dont even know it does that because they got used to ignoring it as the healing isnt very impactful until the boss has that 100% more hp and gets to cast it about twice as much and it makes it far more impactful.

For clarity i am not saying H+ is currently “well designed” its not. They took the lazy route with its design and it should be changed.

If it’s harder to beat something then in a prior difficulty, it is indeed a challenge whether or not you want to believe that. I truly could care less homie. What it comes down to, if you don’t like it, don’t play it :smiley: Not one person here will ever make another stay to play. That just opens the door to ruin the game for everyone else too.

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Nah, it’s the phase where you have to run it a second time. That makes it any annoyance.

You’re clearly on a different reality. Deadmines inferno is what we’re talking about here, not heroic. Heroic is garbage too.


We’re not talking about it being “harder” or more difficult. It’s simply time consuming and a waste of time (unless you’re specifically grinding the fissure).

A challenge on how many you can do before you fall into a coma?

You do care or else you’d not reply.

I agree.

That isn’t true at all.

Subjective opinion is noted.

I don’t need a grammar lesson from a troll :slight_smile: Kindly stub your pinky toe <3

As mentioned prior, but I guess I’ll re-iterate, longer fights overcome the simple mash buttons mindset to bully through content. That, regardless of how you feel, is in definition more difficult.

Unfortunately, no. I’m expressing my ability for free speech. You trying to provoke comments on the guise of the troll you are just makes you the harasser :wink:

It sure is! Nobody is being held at gunpoint to play. Every single individual in this game has the option to walk away. Ergo, they are not being forced to stay unless you have a specific situation you’d care to elaborate on in which somebody is having their arm twisted to play this game?

Subjective arrogance, noted.


No, you do
 also, I’m not a troll. You call out your inabilities and short falls as some one trolling.

Not at all. Rotations are rotations.

Once again, simple minded subjectiveness.

Hahaha! You literally care or else you’d not have taken the time to reply. Are you being intentionally obtuse? Freedom of speech only applies to government platforms.

Oh no!!! Some one disagrees with your ignorant statements so they must be a troll! Grow some grey matter.

Wrong again smooth brain.

Thank you Captain Obvious! Did you come up with that conclusion on your own or was it a group effort?

See above.

I’m not even sure where you have derived this extra copy of chromosome 21 drivel from.

Hahaha! It’s not arrogance
 It’s “FrEdOmE oF sPeEcH” as you’d post.

Deadmines is actually very easy and quick with a group that properly does the mechanics.

The cannon alone does about 7k dps per target hit (crit chance effects its dps, and mastery for some classes/specs). And it stuns all targets hit for .5 seconds. If you pull the first 3 packs onto the cannon it dies fast even in H+. If your tank isnt well geared or you dont have a misdirect of some type you can still pull the first 2.

The rage zones can be stacked dor 100% damage bonus and it easily melts what you are dighting when done right, and a dk can mimic the spell for 150% bonus damage.

Stopping the channelers from buffing the hp of enemies by 300% makes many of the mobs evaporate.

The monkeys and explosive barrels add dps to the goblins.

If your tank is strong your healer can jump into the damage shredder bots to do some good dps before it dies and top off the tank then get into the next one.

The parrots before the boat can all be pulled by the tank on his mount and then ran up to the cannon on the boat to be aoed down with the pirates that are there.

Basically all the trash has a way to speed it up substantially if you do it right.

The longest part of the dungeon is the last boss, and even that is able to be sped up a bit with proper pathing.

More hp bosses cause you to not be able to just burn them through a mechanic.

Example is the last boss of grim batol. On normal heroic many groups could ignore the root he shoots out that heals him and healers wouldnt even dispell it when people got hit (to reduce his healing). But with him having so much more hp and his heal being basee on his total hp (even though it doesn’t show it on the tool tip). That mechanic becomes far harder to ignore. Had a H+ i was tanking that was all melee dps and everyone was stacked for the darkness phase then got hit by the root. Healer didn’t dispell any of the 3 melee dps that got hit and it make the boss heal for about 15% of his hp. Before he healed we had him down to 3%. We wiped because the adds got ignored at that point and then released welps and healed the boss back to 50%.

Not every fight becomes harder with the higher hp, but some do.

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This isn’t even true. It heals for 3x the damage done by the roots as they deal damage.
Bro, talking through all this nonsense doesn’t change that deadmines takes the longest out of all of the dungeons, and that’s even including doing ALL of HoO.
Most people aren’t queueing into these with a full group, so you can’t control the crappy pugs you get not knowing mechanics, nor dispelling.
Regardless, deadmines takes too long, and the 100% increased HP has no purpose other than time gating. Not really sure what you’re arguing against.
Even blasting through that place in reg Heroic with a decent group is a good 25-30 minutes. It’s ridiculous.

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