Nerf Inferno dungeons please

Nerf hp to +50% instead of 100%.


Give bonus valor to longer dungeons like Deadmines, same way you did in Wotlk.

Make gearing alts not quite as painful


Sounds like the raiders are done raiding and not there to carry deadweight anymore.


100% HP with no meaningful changes to the dungeon was just not a good idea to start with.


That is true but the fact is that these dungeons don’t need a nerf. it was 100% a horrible idea. But players are getting loot that from far easier content that they otherwise would not have gotten. With such little effort.

ya, most my chars are done with their main specs.

Nerf them out of the game.

Literal irony btw.

Anyways, ngl I would like them to either be decreased or something like the Wrath dungeons in future ones. I don’t enjoy the Cata dungeons that much, and this much extra HP without anything fun just makes it worse imo. Obviously not everyone feels this way, just my personal input.


Bro, be honest, they take a long time for no reason.

DId you say this in wrath?
If so, show me…

Dedicating an hour to ONE dungeon is hardly “little” effort.
Time is the one thing you’ll never get more of, and you absolutely have to pay attention in these or be dead.

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yeah when you got deadweights doing sub 20k dps it takes a long time.

it sure is when you think about the grand scheme of things where people where spending hours each week for 6 months to get the gear.

Yeah most raiding guilds finished their valor a few weeks ago and are no longer queueing.

Yeah I said this would happen. But people said I was wrong.

Can’t you have a conversation in good-faith…?
These dungeons exist, get over it.

These are the people that need the gear from doing them, lmao
GOOD FAITH CONVO… Can you even…
Curious, so you think that people trying to gear alts should do so by… doing old raids for 6 months to get the gear? lmao Then the next tier is out and they need to do it all over again, do you even realize how stupid this sounds?

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The irony.

I’m dead


This to do with him paying for a full Heroic carry in FL?
If this is true, he has no room to speak on any of this stuff ever again…


I linked all the evidence in his feral thread




It’s all pretty much at the bottom

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I found it, thx


Isn’t that what GDKP is? Spending 400k instead of progression with a guild?

For someone who gatekeeps loot/difficulty in so many posts I don’t see why you post these types of things and expect anything but ridicule.

They need to keep their damage, but reduce the health a slight amount. There’s nothing about extra HP that makes a fight more interesting. At least the damage has people on their toes at times but whoop de doo a healthpool that’s way too big not to start looking at meters and getting selective. It’s an absolute slog to go through deadmines 4/6 runs when you’re farming for stones or valour and made worse by having extra hp. It’s a massive dungeon and with the extra HP it takes way too long.


are you the gold police are you like my old lady telling me how to spend my money in IRL but in a video game? How does how i spend my gold affect you?

Theyre a joke when your geared maybe if you actually did heroic raiding you would see how much of a joke they are.

All this is easily countered with raid loot but i shouldnt be surprised you play on Mankrik, Your server is like the Ragnaros of Cata. I have yet to see any dps break 20k in an inferno.