Nerf healers and nerf dampening

Make it so healers heal 40% less in pvp and make it so dampening doesn’t start before 2 min into the game.


teaser for arena forums deranged takes vol 1


No, be gone.


people would rather have band-aid fixes than true balancing, unfortunately that is just the way it goes now

making healing easier/stronger for everyone helps with queue times too

This is honestly one of the worst takes I’ve seen on the forums ever.


still not worse than arena balance revolving around a generic debuff

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starting dampening at 40% right out the gate isn’t much of a nerf to dampening

Just watched Chanimal do close to 1mil sustained DPS for a 3-4 minute arena game and the enemy healer couldn’t even come close to keep the team alive.

yeah cause the meta is sitting out in the open attacking people with your PvE rotation

Chanimal LOS’d more than the enemy DPS lmfaooo

And now I’m watching a Frost mage doing absolutely insane damage. 50 mil damage total to 35mil damage from next closest.

Have you ever considered pressing your damage buttons?

2.2 mil damage Frostfire bolt into 2x 1mil damage icelances to get the kill…Frost mage is so silly and goofy.

I love the weird disconnect with people wondering why queues are so long and why nobody plays healers while simultaneously wanting healers to be negative fun and have negative effectiveness in all content.


Healers have never had negative effectiveness in any version of WoW since the beginning

“Fun” is subjective, I quit healing after they introduced Dampening and I know many others did as well. Healing has never been more stale.

I didn’t say they did. I said people want it to be that way with how they complain about healers (such as garbage threads like this one).

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You can heal someone to full from 20% in two globals with Shapen Blade’s 50% reduced healing debuff lmfao

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Damn I guess games should just end every time sharpen is cast. Good point!


You should not be able to top someone with a 50% reduced healing debuff that only lasts 4 seconds. In 2 globals.

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And you should not be able to kill someone with a 50% reduced healing debuff that only lasts 4 seconds. In 2 globals.


you forgot to read the part where they were already at 20%, no worries

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