Nerf healers and nerf dampening

No I read it. I just dismissed it because it’s irrelevant. Like the rest of your points.


Good one, I need a good laugh.

Explain to me how someone getting topped to full from 20% in two globals from one healer with a 50% healing debuff is irrelevant.

The fact they even let them get that low without even using the debuff in the first place should result in a death for sure.


The basis for your entire argument is wrong. No healer is “topping someone in two globals from 20% with sharpen” without popping a CD of some kind. Responding to CDs with other CDs is how the game works.

Now that we got that out of the way, a healer being able to keep someone alive from 20% with sharpen up is so that warriors aren’t able to auto-win by pressing a relatively low CD sharpen when someone drops below a certain percentage.

If you think warriors should auto win because they pushed sharpen, you’re even more lost than I originally thought.

Hope that helps bud.


Yeah I’ll tell that to my Disc Priest friend and he’ll get a good laugh out of it.

There is something called kiting, but you obviously don’t know much about that. You tunnel vision in game and when you argue.

Hope that helps, champ.

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You’re so lost, friend. Take it easy.


Whatever lets you sleep at night lol, you haven’t said anything to refute my arguments

Just admit you want PvP to be like PvE, its okay.

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If these changes were to go into effect, triple DPS comps would become the new meta since no one would be able to live through an opener. Then you would be on here complaining about losing to triple rogue teams

This is honestly the least damp season I’ve played in years (although tbh, I missed all the SL legendary nonsense - I heard that was pretty busted)

Geez, the community of DPS brained players won’t be happy until healers are removed from PvP all together.

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It’s kinda a combination of 2 things. most specs personal defensives are too strong, along with healing being too high. If both are toned down a bit it’d be a massive improvement. Games are super slow paced atm.


healers already cant die and no dps can die before 40% damp anyways, this would just makes games quicker and back to shadowlands / bfa / legion pvp when people actually pvped you know. Before the death of pvp from season 4 of SL when they decided to make changes and now only 1% of the wow playerbase pvps. used to be 10-20% of wow playerbase to pvp thats 10x factor.

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You’re fried. Go take a cold shower

These threads are always entertaining.

Uncoordinated groups will fail constantly but blame their opponent for playing that class/spec. If you’re playing 3s and you see a blood dk last season, do you spend the game focusing it with cc and CDs, leaving the other 2 people on the enemy team run around?

Target selection and swapping are integral skills in PvP that are conveniently ignored by the average player and rather than taking the time to understand game flow and tactics, they post to the forums demanding nerfs.

You don’t need to kill the healer to win games.

Did you just say that games were fast in BFA? Are you delusional? Before corruptions, and even during them, BFA was the most damp expansion in recent memory.

Maybe because 33% is an unreasonable requirement to have when healers/supports have never been a largely popular role in just about any game ever.

Healers have only gotten stronger and stronger with every expansion…

Nope, but the higher healer throughput is, the longer games last. Nobody enjoys overly long drawn out fights, but that must solely be a dps ‘clown’ brain problem right? High rated 3v3s “never” have 5+ min games…

I still don’t know why dampening doesn’t just increase healer mana consumption over time rather than reduce overall healing.

Think about it, many dps get worse over time into dampening.

Dps classes with healing or absorb defensives are inheritly worse than classes with % damage reductions or immunities. As dampening ramps up the latter gain an advantage.

However, historically speaking the former kind of defensives are those associated with the general “dampening” classes meant to outlast.

Warrior for example was historically a good dampener due to MS and having no mana, their playstyle centered around pressure has always been a better dampener than let’s say a mage.

But then dampening was changed to what it is today and classes like mages , who histotically sucked at longer games , suddenly became one of the best due to their avoidable kit , block and alter time not being affected by dampen.

Likewise for warlocks who used to be one of the best classes for outlasting opponents , suddenly had its entire defensive kit get weaker with dampen.

This uneven playing field could’ve been avoided by just having dampening ramp a healer’s mana cost and removing access to arena water.

1- it would fix the infinite mana issue which healers often have until deep dampening.
2- it would change the defensive favoritism centered around avoidance. It might not “change” the meta but it will actually reduce the strength of rmp the most in drawn out fights.

Let’s be fair here, rmps shouldn’t be one of the best outlasting comps, it’s so strange that this is even the case tbh.

While this is a better solution to the joke of what dampening currently is, healers simply running out of mana in general is more preferable, as that would affect all instances of PvP, instead of only arenas.

Remove dampening and reduce mana regen for healers during PvP. Done.

Dps would feel impactful since the better you pressure, the more you force healers to spend and the more you force them to spend, the sooner they run out > leading to things dying. Healers main competition would shift from outlasting > whether they can manage their mana better than the other healer.

I agree, I think we need to tone down stam and/or buff mainstat again. With people getting gear, the meta has slowed down a TON and its making balancing a lot worse because the top end classes are that much harder to kill and just winning over time.

Also, while I HATE losing to an rng crit more than anything, I think we need to start to unnerf crit some in pvp.