Nerf frost mages now

what do you expect from the forums main Wartard. Most of his posts are crying about something or bragging that he finally hit his head hard enough on his keyboard to get his rating.

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Ya that’s kinda what I’m getting at, mage can just bomb on dispels and now you pop

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fancy way of spelling warlord but ill let it slide :smile:

the warrior propaganda can stop now, you guys were already buffed to be the best class in the game for 3 seasons in a row

I literally explained how monks countered warriors here:

So am I bias for supporting mages and MONKS…do you think I am anti warrior because I disagree with the OP of him posting evidence of him eating all of a frost mages most powerful spells at once and dying instantly?

Say what you want about that conversation. Glacial Spike is a long cast and ray of frost is a spell that can be stopped with any instant cc or just using distance to cancel it. He didn’t do either and lost because of it…fairly. I rest my case.

Yeah. I agree. Bring back no dispel cd and dispel protection meta.

Would you guys hate that? Rng on dispels sucks but spamming dispel also feels kinda great.

Any mage with at least one opposable thumb is using shimmer (or floes if they’re based) to protect their rays


We have very limited context to make such a decision. I wouldnt rush to say what happened was fair. But being melee into a wizard cleave rarely feels good in the first place.

On an aside. I liked legion ray better. Where you got a buff and could cancel the cast → do something → keep casting.

I don’t think I’ve even implied you’re anti-warrior especially considering the highest rated you’ve ever been has been as a warrior

That being said, that screenshot shows it all happening at once which means the frost bomb was established a few seconds prior, icy veins was probably up so the GS cast was quick, and ray was pressed the moment the GS cast finished

You could argue he could’ve done more but he was playing against destro as well and we don’t know who his teammates were or where they were at

The reality is frost bomb shouldn’t have been buffed by 80%. That could be reverted and frost mage would be completely fine because of GS and ray

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Okay. I’m done. Have fun, happy hunting.

I dont think this is exclusively true. Map and healer comp matters a ton. The first bit ill agree with for sure, which usually leads to melee being higher than they would be as a caster and then losing to things that they arent even recognizing as a mistake.

But for the past 3 seasons, ret/war has been the literal rank 1 comp on the ladder and the highest represented comp within rank 1 and gladiator ranges.

That being said, they havent won tournaments, and wizard cleave feels pretty favored into ret/war in general imo.

Im not even convinced fury sucks right now. Its obviously no sub rogue, but it got some real buffs and is getting even more in 10.2. Gonna be able to 100% uptime slaughterhouse again.

Tbf ret is a caster

True! With team utility.
Dk is also a caster but zone and grip are kinda poo compared to freedom, bop, sanc, and sac.

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Ya, i think this entire post is a screenshot taken out of context. Im guessing he leapt after a lock, ranged/los/had his healer boxed out, and the mage pressed every cd in the world and slammed it into a warrior without defensives. The people saying that mage can’t kite warrior are silly, but saying that the war cant do anything because of mage tools is also silly.

i had 3 defensives up while on the lock and i was 100% in LOS of my healer (disc priest) and out of nowhere i was 100-0’ed by the mage in ruins. my healer wasnt even poly’d

my spell reflect was used to stop warlock chaos bolt spam


That frost mage didnt blow you up through 3 defensives + healer throughput.

What most likely happened is you blew your defensives (maybe with reason), didnt pay attention to the mage, and got punished.

Save a leap next time.

gg i was the disc priest (dabdaddy had 5 stacks of deathwish)

he also typed “HEAL MY CHARACTER”



I rest my case.

wake the frick up samurai

(cause i made that up)