Nerf frost mages now

im playing fury and THIS happens and 100-0’s me in literally a millisecond

WHY are casters SO overtuned


Wasting time here. Bad melee beat bad casters good casters beat good melee

This forum is almost exclusively bad melee and bad casters so they think mage is weak


it utterly eludes me WHY frost needed buffs in the first place.

i had

  • PS
  • Regen
  • Defensive stance

and it hit me for 757,194 in total in literally 1 global. holy hell

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Play SoD with homies and have fun or suffer through round 35 of mage/destro and ret/war for a green tint of the last mount hmmmmmmm hard choice for me

The frost mage spent almost 7s (or more) casting…
Any spec can do this damage to any spec without defensive skills being used, i dont think they need nerfs. Warlocks and ele shamans are way stronger rn


add mages to that list

Delete this :eyes:

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all the healer had to do was press dispel lol


They need to just make it so that you can’t line it up like that. It’s pretty much operating the same way gpie burst did before they gave it a cd.

Or just It make it a choice between Ray or glacial spike. :man_shrugging:

I would say most frost mages would agree to this change

But you’d prolly have to cut rays CD in half for it to compete with GS. You could lower the damage slightly to offset the change tho

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im fairly certain most Mages arent even taking glacial tho lol

Last I checked they were but I haven’t queued shuffle this season so I’ve mainly been playing arcane/fire in 2s/BGB

Fire in BGB is nutty damage with half the keybinds lmao

fire usually is tbf but yeah its back to frostbolt build i think - regularly seeing 200k+ frostbolts

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Frost mage buffs recently were extremely questionable and probably boils down to Blizz not knowing what to do with the spec so just give it more dam


All of those spells are castable (refering to your previous post asking for casters to cast).

Frost Bomb is what should be nerfed. It can be dispelled btw.

Blizz already nerfed FO generation from Frozen Orb in PvP.


I won’t, I love both spells :heart_eyes:

i’m speaking more from the PvE perspective tbf and even then, frost mage can have some of the most keybinds for damage of any damage spec in either aspect of the game

less buttons doesn’t necessarily = good, of course, but multiple buttons that do the same thing can definitely = bad and i think frost is teetering on that line if not slightly over it imo

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This is why I don’t play with Frost Bomb and Comet Storm. Having too many spells and CD’s to “monitor” is overwhelming. And more so low cd dps spells like Frost Bomb.

I believe with the current tree it is not possible to pick all three CS, RoF and GS. Players have to pick talents they feel comfortable playing with.

Is it really casting when you can shimmer out of range of a stop or even line of sight with ray? A mediocre player on frost mage should not ever let a melee kick their glacial or ray

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The mage not only had to get frost bomb cast off, then have it not get dispelled, then he had to get a glacial cast off, then a ray of frost channel.

For the amount of time it takes to get all of these things off, on top of the stars aligning for crits, without the use of any enemy defensives, stuns, kicks, line of sight, etc., the only thing I see here is the frost mage outplaying.

Pretty sure most melee dps can do this same amount of damage (or more), with less rng/set up required, when given 7 or so seconds of them using their major cds against a target that has no defensives going.