Nerf frost mages now

It’s just ice put on a jacket lol

no amount of bold letters will prevent me from typing “precognition”

If the mage don’t go behind a pillar with Ice Floes or Shimmer it get interrupted, cast wasted lol. Still it’s casted spell because it can be interrupted, i’s channeled.

Precog isn’t long enough to get that entire combo off, and again, on top of the frost bomb not getting dispelled.

Also, precog is yet another aspect of the mage outplaying, as this required successfully juking a kick, and another x amount of seconds before the mage could do anything.

If frost mage was so broken, there would probably be more than 62 of them by now at 2100+ in shuffle, compared to the 331 dh, 214 unh dk, 158 arms warriors, 85 ret, etc., and as far as ranged dps, they probably wouldn’t be so far behind the 131 demo locks, 115 bm hunters, 100 destro locks, 93 ele sham, and 73 boomkins either.

Fury warrior sucks right now, but that doesn’t make frost mage op. Just saying :slight_smile:


ty for being reasonable

yeah frost can set up some nasty burst combos but there’s room for counter play, moreso than can be said for a lot of other specs

and no, shimmering during ray does not mean there is no counter play to the class


Every post from you is “Nerf Something i lose to”


Should’ve reflected one of those 3, healer dispel frost bomb. But also, they need to make shimmer cancel casts and remove icy floes.

Blizz too focused on ‘OmG dEmOn HuNTeR’ to see any other issues with other classes.

thats what everyone did for the first month and continue to do. Now, a bunch of classes flew under the radar. Warrior is beyond broken, 100% uptime and are immortal.

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It has been said already but I will summarize again…

Frost bomb is casted, AND can be dispelled.
Glacial spike is casted, and one of the longer cast times in the game.
Ray of Frost is channeled.

All three of these spells could be interrupted, healer could have dispelled bomb, and one micro Cc at the mage could have also stopped his casts. Not to mention spell reflect…

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Yeah sorry but just dispel frost bomb and you only get chunked here.

On the other hand i think frost bombs duration is slightly shorter than dispel cd so its kinda gimmicky idk.

Whatd you reflect?

warlocks chaos bolt before his combo

Why did you not leap away or stop him while he was casting Spike?

I know that you are the least likely mage player to understand this but with the infinite mobility a frost mage has it’s highly likely the leap was used prior to the mage casting glacial into a shimmer which is makes the cast unstoppable btw

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Good thing Arena is a team game then.

I will give that with a Destro in the mix, yeah it’s going to be a lot harder to beat that team but if his healer had dispelled that Frost Bomb he’d have likely easily lived.

No. I wouldn’t. All melee insta gap closers and have range interrupts. Get better. Bro took all the damage of a Glacial Spike, frost bomb, and ray of frost which means he charged in and left healer. You didn’t use pillars or interrupt any of them.

mage has an infinite amount of tools to deal with gap closers and ranged interrupts. get better


You probably should tone it down chief

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Death Knights are notoriously known to be the most annoying melee spec to all casters due to their infinite slow spam w chains, death grips, aoe spam range/damaging death grip, anti magic shield (immunity to snares and makes you a God to aff locks because they can’t do anything to you…no abilities will work), range silences, range interrupts, range stuns/pet stun, snare immunity/sprint.

Rofl you have the nerve to complain about mages when we only counter warriors, monks, and rogues, all dps casters and enh shaman are literally fair game against mages. Hunters are our counter. DKs make anyone their teamed up with (especially melee) 10 times harder to fight.

A Blood dk can literally solo bosses in Ashran and the entire raid group but no other tank can…so ya get good.

Naw, learn more about your class. Frost is almost as good as Arcane because Arcane doesn’t have to cast slow. Idk who he lost to but it doesn’t sound like it was in SS. I’ve seen melee eat Frost up because they run through their slows (and break roots) with their insta gap closers like it’s nothing and they can really only reapply it through blizzard after the sphere proc…otherwise interrupt…interrupt…interrupt to anything they try and cast.

Ya’ll are not fooling anyone with this.

wow its almost like mages have literally 2x the toolkit to deal with dks. skill issue

mage cannot kite a dk telling a better mage that actually can to git gud. irony

I’ve played this class since Sunwell and have achieved more in each spec in both PvE and PvP than you have cumulatively across your account

You’re aggressively clueless

Go touch grass