Nerf Fallen Charger's Respawn time



World of Mobcamping

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I got the mount on my first kill on Wednesday and I was so disappointed to find out it doesn’t even fly.

i agree it should have a 5 minute respawn timer and the drop rate on the mount should be 100%

no, 200%

anything less is timegating and anti-casual

Oh for real??? Well that saves me the trouble… I’m out.

It is a rare people. Not a guaranted mount. You have to be lucky to get it. Like almost every other rare that drops a mount in the game. We are no longer in Wod. So dont beg for 100% drop rates. You know you will have to camp for hours and also be lucky thats it.

They are letting you to farm it over and over again. They should put it 1 kill per day like every other rare in the game. And you still want more drop rate or short the spawn timer?

The mount would become trivial and common that way and no one will use it.

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Its … just …a … horse .

Meh, that’s just unfun.

It should spawn quickly, but if it does they keep the droprate low and the fact that it runs.

It shouldn’t run, but if it doesn’t the droprate should still stay the same and the spawn timer should not be as high but stay kinda high. I don’t care if it’s high if the rare stays there when it spawns.

It should be a guaranteed mount, but if it does then they should keep the current respawn timer and the fact that it runs.

If they just put all 3 together that makes it unfun. Okay everyone has it by passing 2 seconds there… no. Right now it’s fun because of the hype of seeing a group for it up, but it’s unfun also because all 3 of these points are there. only 2 should be, not 3.

Either nerf the timer or buff drop rate to 100%. For a rare that supposedly respawns from 4-18 hours, it having a supposed low drop rate is aggravating.

If its supposed to be farmable, then make the timer farmable.

maybe they should just mail it to everyone for completing the korthia intro quests

Honestly to anyone CAMPING in camp groups, let me get you out of this stupid hell.


Camping is the stupidest thing people are doing right now. 40 people in the same group camping at his spawnpoints… But why ? He’s not gonna spawn for a stupid load of hours. That’s the thing, if all 40 people were in their respective server phase, there would be like what lets say 10 different phase at worst into which the Fallen Charger could be spotted.

Instead all 40 mans are wasting their time complaining about camping for 14 hours without a single spawn… while I got 15 tries + all my dailies + a kill of every Korthia rares + slept during that time… Like do you realize how stupid that is lmao.

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holy crap a rare mount is hard to get color me shocked

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sorry blizzard but as a casual i only get to play 12 hours a day so it’s unfair that I’m forced to spend all of it farming this mount

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Don’t camp please

A rare actually being rare.

The inhumanity

Ok so wtf is up with the phasing issue?? Apparently if the raid group goes up to 40 people it resets the timer… what bullsht is that?? Im actually considering playing FFIV just because how stupid this whole thing is… 8 months for this?? Is not even hard to get is just dumb how ones time is completely wasted in such ways. Great content…

Ahhh this is why all the groups say 39 max. That is weird for a rare to do that.

I finally saw the charger today, first time killin it and i got a vendor grey item. Felt super meaningful choicey, must be a skill issue, do I not have a phone?

Step 1: Download the “Premade Sort” addon. It sorts new groups to the top, and lets you join by double-clicking the group name.

Step 2: Set a hotkey for Premade Sort to quickly refresh the LFG search.

Step 3: Type “charger up” in the search box.

Step 4: Park yourself at a halfway point between the current assault area and Ve’nari’s Refuge, and refresh at will.

Do not waste your time in “wait” groups! You’ll get far more chances by doing the above, and won’t need a lower respawn time.

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Step 1 2 sure, step 3 just don’t

What if the group is called Fallen up ? What if the guy did a misspell and wrote Falling charger/falen charger ? What if the guy just wrote fallen charge wm off?

Just write « Fal » that will search all of the groups with that word, sure rarely you might see a group for a completely random thing, but writing an entire name limits your chances at finding a group by a ton. Step 4 is also untrue. Stand between Zooval’s Cauldron and his spawn location, that will give you enough time to go anywhere in the map as 99% of the groups are NOT in the beastwarrens. Also use the Silver Shardhide Whistle to go at 410% movement speed on the ground in the Maw for 20 seconds.

I also normally just report for group name the Waiting group, doing this just make them disappear from every search you’ll do until you log off and back in. Sure it’s not necessarily convenient for that group, but Blizzard don’t want to allow us just to erase a group from the research so until them, reported!

And Voidtalon