First off, you ignominious, vacuous, imperceivably tiny brained, mollusk of an individual. I was being facetious if it wasn’t clear, because I was RP meme-ing, clearly. But you lack any conceptualization of nuance, or room reading, or the ability to discern sarcasm and play from actual criticism.
Secondly, if you’re referencing the Death Knights made in the Orc era, they’re death knights only in name and hardly by any true metric of what the class represented. Hush your baby rage. the first true Death Knight was raised during the third war and it was Arthas.
But even if you want to talk about the one true first generation Death Knight, that would be Teron Gorefiend and he used a glorified staff with a cudgel end like a 2 handed truncheon, not a one handed weapon.
You irritate with your mere imposition in this forum because you are a canker sore on the community getting inflamed at the slightest off step with your personal opinion and you rain down your bile on everyone else. Just stop. You are the definition of what needing to touch grass embodies.
Death Knights are cunning, highly skilled melee combatants with sub specialization in death magic. Their domains are blood, frost and unholy magic manipulation that is absolutely utilitarian in function and form.
They’re masters of undeath and martial prowess that use those magic schools to compliment their melee abilities. None of which were ever originally anything like 1 handed wielding weirdos we see now. Rune blades were always 2 handed weapons. Death Knights were always quick and imposingly strong. unholy speed and unholy might being a characteristic of their makeup.
Hell their genesis ideologically in the gaming space from DND (Dungeons and Dragons) made it clear that they weren’t push over, trifles of enemies to encounter.
In conclusion, shut it, stop making up stuff, there was nothing described as bigotry in what I said. You’re just a professional grifter and troll and you’re boring. I wish I could ignore you from my memory.
And no, the Lich King has many frost based spells in his tool kit. Unholy and Frost was his go to with a high use of straight up deathfrost magic. You’re wrong and you should feel bad.