Welcome to the human experience.
Coming in late here but this is one reason i left my last guild. There were 2 couples who played. I am all for that, thats great, wish my girl played, but damn if it doesnt show who they let get away with being crappy and stubborn and useless.
the only reason you would be in a guild with me or any of my friends, would be as a “human npc” the only reason you were invited was because we needed a 5th. simple as. dont like it? leave the guild.
And that’s fine, as long as people are made aware right up front where they stand.
I’ve not experienced it in this game but I did in another. It sucks pretty bad when you invest so much time/effort with a group only to find out that someone who truly doesn’t deserve something gets it. And I know people who know better but will argue just to argue will say “How do you know they didn’t deserve it?” It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see these things.
As I even mentioned earlier in this thread, seeing your GM’s friend who rarely plays and only shows up towards the end of a patch, isn’t even properly geared, so everyone has to carry them and gets loot over people who have been at it for a long time. Then you get the speech of “they earned it”.
Oh my gosh, you just made me realize that I’m the “Healer Girlfriend” even though I’m a dude!
I grey parse like nobody’s business and I still get raid spots. I’m in that weird area to where I’m treated like a HG, but I don’t get gold or gifts that go along with it, just raid spots, =(
sadly, humans are nepotistic.
clannish is the human way.
It’s got to be because you play a female character, right? Haha.
Way to prove my point