Neltharax, Enemy of the Sky is Creating a Toxic Environment

I cant, I don’t have that as a talent, would you like a link to our class talent tree, I’d be happy to help…bro.

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bad troll… :roll_of_toilet_paper:

Nope I’m a Night elf, I can send a link of the playable races in the game as well if you’d like.


Allowing the bow to be catalyzed is the obvious correct answer


It would help…I would rather have the classes scaling issues be fixed along side its defensives rather then rely on a special item each tier.


I appreciate all your contributions helping keep this thread on the front page. Spreading awareness with your room temp IQ is priceless.

No need to be rude. They are just trying to assist you.


Completely busted items are bad design imo. No item should be double digit dps increases at LFR ilvl over mythic gear or even compared to other items at same ilvl.

That said, hunters have 2 specs underperforming in raids? Have you looked at BM single target aka boss dmg? I’d give you M+, but who cares about raid trash dps lol.


Who is???


It is heartwarming when they accept the help

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yeah. I’m mostly top deeps as BM but it has been firmly placed in d-tier along with survival. MM is okay I guess but everyone seems to be feeling that double tap removal.

sub 2k IO, only 5/8H, has green and grey parses… we are the low IQ people lol


Yikes and they claim top dps? Oof bad raid team then.

Where did you come from? I wasn’t talking about you. projecting or something?

I’m sure Neltharax will change that…maybe :grin:

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If BM hunters are in the top3 boss dps in the raid (only raid metric that matters), then they’re clearly not D tier (or that rating doesn’t mean anything).

Sooo survival is ranged again and uses a bow?

She wants the rare drop and is salty about not having it to show people she is better then them.


you didn’t get an item and now suddenly the whole game is toxic and u can’t get into groups, when the simplest solution is make ur own