Neltharax, Enemy of the Sky is Creating a Toxic Environment

I know you’re just a troll but parse me bro.


Well, y’know.

Be happy you’re not a Mage, where we have:

~1 stave (For whatever arcane reason the only other staff drop is Evoker only? Why?)
~2 cast daggers (Both just stat sticks)
~2 offhands (Also just stat sticks)

Since I already have tier I have literally no motivation to go back to Vault just because…there’s nothing there. It’s not great.

I want something shiny and exciting for us Mages…


Hunters are just broken right now and they are not easy to fix. They are to brittle for pve but if you buff their durability they will dominate other range classes in pvp due to interrupt immunity.

Their dmg doesn’t scale well either. Relying on powerful gimmick weapons in pve to stop them from becoming to powerful in pvp. Its a unstable state that should of been corrected during beta.


I’m glad to see a few you get what I’m saying.

This is not an RNG post!

I got the bow and then quit playing my hunter.


Items with effect riders or procs are fun when it’s just a handful on a toon, but like tier can quickly become frustrating when you can’t obtain them.

Unfortunately I don’t see them shying away from this. Think about how busted the jailer weapon was for blood dks.

If they intend to provide drops like that in the raid environment, fine. Give us dinar so we can target it. Even if it takes 2 months of steady farming to be able to brute force that item, that would keep me logging in more than a random chance and rolling against 2-3 others every time it may drop.

It’s awful vanilla design that for some reason is still hanging around.


cool story bro

Someone in my RP guild got the heroic bow that way and they don’t do content… No I’m not salty at all, why do you ask?

But yes, I do not like that the bow is make it or break it for hunters. Make it an embellishment for a crafted weapon, an enchant, increase the drop chance on boss and vault, or let us throw a weapon in the catalyst and get the bow that way if it’s going to be that OP. Or bring back the Dinar system. It does more for us than our tier set…


All these different difficulties…

Ain’t it fun when you’re taking care of number one
Oh ain’t it fun when you feel like you just gotta get a Gun
Ain’t it fun when you just can’t seem to find your tongue
'Cause you stuck it too deep into something that really stung

It’s such fun, ah
It’s such fun
Such fun, such fun, such fun
Ah such fun, such fun, such fun
Ah such fun, such fun, such fun
Such fun, such fun, such fun
Such fun, such fun, such fun
Such fun

~The dev’s and Ion need Spark of Ingenuity and Inspiration.

I kicked both the Hunters in my guilds raid during our first Ras kill on normal because they kept causing wipes and expected to be carried… Bow dropped and now I have it on my warrior… I wear it all the time to taunt Hunters.


It’s changed that fast in a matter of 5 days or are you just being a wee bit dramatic?

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It’s all good, I just have a 50% chance of having a 4% chance of getting the mount… Wheeps

What does 5 days have to with anything? Yesterday’s lfg Rasz groups all had some stupid anti hunter title. I even got whispers from party leaders like “LOL” or “Hunter are bad” so no, I’m not being “a wee bit dramatic”.

I’m about to make hunter alts, and make whichever one gets the bow my new main

I pugged it 5 days ago and got the bow :upside_down_face:

What other class uses the bow besides the hunter anyway?

As a refresher here are the classes in the game in case you have forgotten

Okay? So your personal experience pugging heroic as a 413 hunter 5 days ago invalidates my experience as a 401 Hunter trying to pug a normal?

To be fair that bow is the only thing currently have to play for and pretty much makes or break if you can push mythic or high m+ keys with our current state


Specs. jesus bro. get a grip

Chad energy, love it!

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