New classic player here, so far loving it way more then retail. But i cant decide on horde or alliance for my rogue. Which is also going to be my main.
I have a level 15 nelf on faerlina but the ques are kinda sucky at night. I also have a level 4 undead on benedict.
Just curious as to which you guys chose and why so.
If you are on a pvp server or really like pvp, then undead rogue for sure.
if you want to pvp i recommend alliance, horde queues are 20 minutes and alliance get instant queues. ranking as horde essentially means standing afk at the battlemaster for 20 minutes before you get into an 8 minute game that you lose because alliance can kill the boss that fast.
Do you want to do BG’s?
Do you want to wait in Q’s for BG’s? If so then play Horde.
Do you want instant Q’s for BG’s? If so play Alliance.
Do you want better “solo players” to play with in BG’s? Then play Horde.
Do you want better organized PVP groups to play with in BG’s? Then play Alliance.
As you can see there is no 1 choice that will check all the boxes for you, so if you play Horde and you’re a solo player you will have longer Q’s but a better solo players experience.
If you play Alliance and play in an organized team then you will have a better experience but no real PVP Q’s.
If you enjoy pvp more than pve, than yes as others have said roll with the undead.
If you enjoy pve more than pvp, your first route should be to delete the NE and create a
Human Rogue.
Undead rogue is pretty much braindead easy mode. If you want that go undead.
For Alliance would say gnome/dwarf is best option with humans being better for pve while still being solid in pvp. NE is okay as they get bonus stealth but overall dwarf and gnome have some great racials for rogues
Play the one you like the look and aesthetics of. It’s what you’re going to be staring at for many hours.
Check the community on each character, pick the better one.
While in Vanilla, racials can be wonky as they give a small edge, but those telling you to roll JUST for racials (that WILL change as the patches go on!) tells you a bit about their personality 
(And if expansion(s) get released, will you move him forward?)
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Thanks for all the replies, i like nelf just because the front flips and glowing eyes lol.
I mostly am a lone wolf solo player that enjoys world pvp ganking fools in other mmos. But im a huge fan of doing raids and collecting raid gear and mounts and gold.
Edit- i also like to play the underdogs or whoever is least meta and least played faction.
might wanna go alliance. feel like alli is a bit better in both b/c of the amount of heals and paladins (especially in pvp). not taking anything away from horde or shammys thats just my opinion. been horde all my life and decided to reroll alli b/c of the healer and paladins
Good tip thanks.
So if i stay alli, im currently questing in darkshore. Should i make a trip to stormwind and look for dungeon groups?
Whats the best way to level up?
Roll Troll, master race of WoW
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I would say as a Human rogue, playing against Orc rogues is just stupid. They are probably the most overpowered rogue.
i mean ive usually played human so i know theyre starting zones like the back of my hand but theres usually an abundance of quests in darkshore. and might i suggest being human rogue b/c of their racial Perception which detects lesser stealth so if u are fighting another rogue u will catch them out first everytime
Go to Westfall. Dead mines has a rogue set, and the rogue only defias mask.
Nelf rogue!
You have better stealth.
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If you wanna go against the meta then you can’t go wrong with the nelf. Haven’t seen one as a rogue yet since launch.
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pvp? Undead rogue.
But know ahead of time that you are the most hated class/race combo in classic wow lol.
Night elf rogue is bis alliance for dagger rogues if that is the route you want to take.
So im going nelf rogue, thanks everyone. To do that deadmines dungeon how does that work in classic? Is there a group finder at the entrance like ffxiv?
Also i was thinking rolling mining and herbalism for professions just to make bank later. Then swapping one out for either engineering or alchemy.
I recommend alchemy/herbalism. Herbalism will help you with your thistle tea and the pots you make will also be helpful, plus alch is a good moneymaker.