<Nekrosis Sargeras Alliance>
We are currently recruiting for our Core Progression team:
Goals are to get people their AOTC and push in for Mythic Progression.
Current Raid Prog: 10/10N 10/10H (2/10M) * (For some members and RL of our team)
Raid Nights: Tuesday and Thursday 830-1130 EST
Recruitment Focus: All are welcomed, but the classes below are what we are focused on.
Warlock: Destro/Afflict
Mage: Fire/Frost
Monk: Wind Walker
Death Knight: Unholy
Hunter: Marksmen/Beastmaster
Paladin: Ret/Holy
We are a mature group 18+ with a good party vibe while still giving everyone the respect they deserve. We offer a place for people to learn and push content while still bringing fun into the game. If you are interested in joining or would like a Voice interview, please reach out to one of our officers.
We also have a social aspect to our guild providing fun achievement, mounts, Mog runs, and yes, we do push KEYS!
We hope to hear from you soon!
Good Luck and Good Gaming!
Discord and Battle tags listed below:
GM: (Brook) Btag: Brook#1126// Discord: Sweatpea#2822
Raid Lead: (Zeph) Btag: Darkpenguin#1870// Discord: Zeph#2257
Officer: (Avery) Btag: Avery#1323// Discord: Avery#5373
Officer: (Dew) Btag: Gattack#11605// Discord: Dew#8264
Officer: (DJ) Btag: Zabstract#1873// Discord: Zabstract#2249
Officer: (Simple) Btag: Simplekaitis@1170// Discord: Simplekaitis#0001