Needs hotfix: Quest pets that are hostile to the opposite faction & classified as civilians

Theres one you can use everywhere.

3 charges drop from a boss thats clearly marked white and civillian when targeted.

Trolls today: LOL #noChanges, poor horde cant camp cities anymore.

Trolls tomorrow after having been MC’d into dozens of DKs: WAHHHH BILZZ FIX ASAP

you get one as a reward does that one work?

It does not

No its from another quest where you can spawn if anywhere and it kinda just walks around where you spawned it for a bit.

I would love to see the people defending this exploit come back and defend this when your AV raid group - which you are forced into when joining AV - happens to AOE a bunch of “civilians” while trying to kill the Commander. I’ll be excited to see the mental backflipping you do then.

Make your own group and make sure not to attack a civillian. #nochanges

The Yetis can only be spawned in the quest locations so not really an issue. What is the other one you are talking about?

I play on an alliance dominated PVP server and I’ve been getting ganked by level 60 alliance since I was around level 30. The problem is imbalance, not faction.


This is epic. Horde player complaining bout broken pvp. Can you say hypocrite? Perhaps you should go to a PvE server… is that the solution you give all the alliance?


You go out of your way to kill Eye of Kilroggs in BG’s? Just don’t spam aoe. I know it’s hard for a mage to not push their only button, but you might have to do that if you see an eye. You can do it!

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Except, you know, this is 1.12 AV and everyone is forced into the same raid, genius.

Just dont use chain lightning.

Just dont use consecration.

Just dont use whirlwind.

Just dont use sweeping strikes.

Just dont use frost nova.

Just dont use swipe.

Just dont use any fire totems, ever.

Just dont use multi-shot.

… you starting to realize how naive your comment sounds yet?

This is actually really funny. I know Blizzard will probably fix it, but its nice to hear the dominated faction get a win on the PvP servers.


I enjoy that fact that the OP continues to focus on what could possibly happen in BGs, when its fairly apparent that hes already been affected by this. Stop camping towns. Using potential AV problems as your shield doesn’t take away from my enjoying your tears.


Except I haven’t and you are wrong, again… Call me crazy, but for some reason I dont like exploits and prefer they be patched before they get widely abused.

I guess I should just mouthbreathe “no changes” and then go out to exploit mind control to use this exploit against them, right?

Nope. I’ve never accidentally aoe’d a civilian. I have a sneaking suspicion I never will either. Maybe try leaving cities when you do your aoe spamming, since BGs aren’t out yet, you clearly didn’t get your dks from there.

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It’s not an exploit Qpon. They arent breaking any rules or mechanics. Its no different then if someone wants to keep an item to constantly transform into a furbolg or a Wrymkin by not completing a quest. You’re just salty because someone found a HARD counter to server imbalance. Roll PvE server is you suck so bad.

off to hills brad I go as soon as the servers come up!

I guess it doesnt matter how many times I say I still have zero DKs, halfwit trolls will still use it as a strawman to distract from the fact they are openly supporting an exploit purely because they are PvE hermits and it might, possibly benefit them in some way.