Needing some information in regards to call outs on the forums!

Sorry, but this is going off by an argument in another thread where someone is claiming, I’m wrong on this:

I know that there is many different context in regards to what a call out is, and how some are actionable while some weren’t. I was wondering if someone can help me on this with actual information in regards to what can be actionable and what can’t, just in relation to a call out.

Because with my understanding, and please, feel free to correct me if I am wrong, but to my understanding, if person A switches alts on the forums after trolling with the previous toon to continue trolling, and person B calls out on person A, with a direct reply, in regards to the trolling, it isn’t actionable, but if switch it to where person B decides to create a new thread to call out on person A, it falls under something like naming and shaming which is a form of harassment, or trolling if it isn’t harassment.

Can I have someone confirm or correct me on this please?


Callouts are not allowed in any form.

It is actionable. No callouts are permitted.

What Person A is doing is called “sockpuppeting”. It is also against the rules. But you just report it to Blizzard, and let them handle it. You don’t continue fighting with them, you don’t call it out, because that only serves to further derail the thread.

Yes, this is correct. No callouts are permitted.


Ok, thanks for that. I was wrong on one thing. But thanks for correcting me on this.


While it’s not specific to bouncing around as to which of your specific situations is actionable and what isn’t - if you’re in need of that Blue post that people need as evidence to state that the practice of naming and shaming/call outs: