Needing A Little Help WIth Gear I Had

i was playing wow eayler and accidentaly sold off and threw out some gear out of my bags i really need can you please give it back?`

Hit Esc and use the Support menu options to do an Item Recovery. They will exchange the item(s) for the gold it gave you when you accidentally sold them/it. Idk if anything destroyed can be restored though :confused:


This is correct. The only difference would be is that if you disenchanted any gear, you’d have to have the dust / shards available for the system to take back.

Limitations to the item restoration is that it will not restore crafting or stackable materials.


Wouldn’t the sold items be available through vendor Buy Back, provided they didn’t continue to sell more stuff afterwards?

Unless they zoned out with a loading screen, or logged out at any point. Even a disconnect counts in this.


Ah! I did not know that. Thank you.

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