Need some advice about account penalties!

Hi my main account got suspended 6 month.I try 2 time to appeal and i wont try anymore after i receive the next anwser from support.I see that many post are answered by Gamemaster here so i just wanted to expose my case…Here are the Rules we can find into the Code of conduct of blizzard!

Never in 18 years of wow i did something against this rule.

Never in 18 years of wow i did something against this rule.

Cheating : Never

Scamming : Never

Account sharing : Here the only point…I shared my account with my 13 years old son he lost my access( because parental control is very useless and can be change by the kid without any security wall stopping them…)and i was able regain my acces but Blizzard decided to put 6 months suspension on my games…If i look at the rules i didn’t broke anything since account sharing with One kid is allowed…I just want blizzard to maybe reconsider the severity of the penalty…

Never in 18 years of wow i did something against this rule.

There are no GMs here. This is a peer to peer help desk with assistance from Support Forum Agents. They do not do appeals. You must you the appeal process until they tell you to stop.


Is this your thread?

Hey there, few things:

First penalties stack in intensity. If it’s a chat infraction it’s a week silence, then it escalates to suspensions up to a full ban. Only exception is doing something they really don’t like: They’ll usually just slap a ban right from the start.

I’m assuming this isn’t your first rodeo. Time passed doesn’t make the penalties go away, they will continue to stack. We as players of course have no way of telling what happened, and as mentioned CSRs aren’t GMs in and of themselves. They also will not hear appeal requests: This isn’t a way to skip in line.

What were you told when you sent your last appeal? You can appeal until you’re told, in no uncertain terms, they won’t look at any more.


What is the Battletag on the account in question - or a ticket number.


I dont want to spam the appeal system.I try 2 time it enough i read somewhere that if you appeal to many time you can get banned permanently and i dont want that…

that is only if you keep appealing after they tell you to stop. until they do that you can keep appealing

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Hey hi!


You will be told, in no uncertain terms, that they will no longer look at appeals. Until then you can send as many as you’d like.

Don’t worry about it: Appeals are useless if not used, although Orlyia could take a closer look if you can provide the information they’re needing.

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Yes but it still very scary…I dont rly play my games anymore it why after divorce with my wife before I lived i told my son that i will not be there anymore for handle the logging on the account so we set together new email passwords and authentication but i told him i turn on Control Parental.Unfortunately the control parental gave me zero power on the account and problems began.Sorry for my bad english.

The current appeal is open. Looks like there has been quite the tug of war over this one, you’ll need to hammer this out through tickets. This kind of case can get complicated.


I get the point that i shared account woth an immature teenage so iam ok with a penalty but when the GM told me suspension I tough about day or week then i seen 6 month on the logging screen.And i will be perfectly honest since 2008 or something i have been in and off on wow and i rly don’t remember having one penalty or anything i always been the nice guy on the server i was playing…But anyway thanks all i will just wait may 2025 i guess!

Instead of letting a teen use your account make a new Battle net account in your name. Add parental controls and let them use that. Plus later on when they turn 18 they can get their name on the account. While a teen can share yours once they turn 18 a license can not longer be moved to a new Bnet account.

Plus if they do more stuff like this they will not threaten your account.


I tought about this but we always been very strict with video game at home for kids they almost never had any…So very strict gaming on my account few hours a week was perfect and creating a new account need to buy all the games and pay subscription.

That is true but for free you can get up until the latest expansion and they can play for free for a while. Just would be good if they want to have the account on there own when they become 18. Since right now there is no way they can get anything from your account since you can not longer move a license to a new Bnet.

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Yea it took me almost a month to recover it.But i wont fight too much…2 last months been rough

Not seeing my kid
Degenerative sight disease at 37 years old
Lost my job because of that

So my 2 appeals and this post was all the fight i put in …

Sorry for my english
We can close this tread thanks for details!