Need help with suspension

sure you could make that argument, but is it a convincing one? most of those customer support “please unban me i didn’t do anything wrong” threads have poor ethos in general.

I’m as convinced that serial cheaters see a generic message and think “Oh golly gee, better clean up my act!” as you are that players mistakenly banned could benefit from being told what they did wrong.

The kinds of people who are intentionally breaking the TOS in several ways are not going to see a mass ban wave and quake in their boots. They’ll continue cheating until they get perma’d and then make a new account and do it over again.

I’m sorry I just can’t understand this logic.

Do mistake bans happen? Ofc they do, so then they appeal it and it’s overturned. Is it possible that an accidental ban won’t get appealed? Sure, but it’s not common.


How would you know this? As you said, they are secretive about their methods of detecting TOS violations and don’t give much information on rejected appeals.

Look up Bayes’ Theorem. It’s called mathematical probability. And I assume people at blizzard understand basic math principles.

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Look up Murphy’s Law. It’s called anything that can go wrong will go wrong. I assume employees at Blizzard understand basic adages, but I’m probably wrong about that.

That’s not really a law tho, but sure okay.

It is quite literally in the name. If you keep trolling I will have no choice but to place you on Ignore.

Tbh I thought you were the one trolling.

Just like everyone in jail is innocent lol

nah i meant like you know, theres whatever clever and 100mph whatever clever

Did you use the macro? If so then they got you!

It’s not that. I haven’t played for weeks. I was out of town while the suspension was being served.

I’m just more concerned with why I was targetted with it and how I get the mark off my account. I asked Blizzard 3 times and they gave me the same non response each ticket they responded too before saying we won’t respond anymore.

You know your account could have been flagged for this action before you where out of town. With mass bans or suspensions they do not always instantly hit as soon as the offense happens.

Did you ever use the macro? If yes then I am sure that is the reason. Once they say they will not respond then your done. They will not tell you and appeals are not a two way street, they do not ask you for information. They just confirm the logs show what they first saw and no mistakes had been made.

What if that person was using 5 different exploits?

That person tells the other exploiters, “Hey everyone, Blizzard only found exploit A. They haven’t detected exploits B, C, D, and E. Those are still safe to use.”

Honestly anytime something like this comes out they are bound to find out about it. It will get fixed and people will find their accounts in trouble. The more that know about an exploit just means they will find out sooner then later.