I tried contacting support through tickets, but they told me to contact technical support for this. I have been trying to restore a character I deleted long ago, prior to account wide achievements, He’s a Death Knight named Lycanthian on the Uther Server of NA/Oceanic. I deleted him to make room for more characters, and then discovered, a couple of months later that they were switching to account wide achievements for raids, PvP etc. I had completed several raids as well as For the Alliance on that character (I believe it was him), so when I tried restoring the character after Account Wide achievements went live, but the character wasn’t on my deleted list. I have tried and checked multiple times since then, over the years, to restore the character to re-achieve (so to speak) my missing achievements. It never shows up. the support ticket I opened told me that it was on the Uther realm but they could not restore it for me. Thus. I need technical support.
I would like to restore the character to my deleted character list so I can restore it to my active characters and get the achievements back.
Once again, The character’s name is Lycanthian and he’s a DK on Uther under my account. I had a shaman as well whose name I forget, but he was transfered to my brothers account around the same time, so I no longer have access to it.
If I could get help restoring it, I would be greatly appreciative. Had I known account wide achievements were going to be a thing, I never would have deleted it. It’s one of the few regrets I have with this game.
It depends on what the character was before the shadowlands level squish, and if the deleted character was purged, or even on a different account.
Technical can’t really advise in either case as it’s mostly us players discussing crashes, latency, install issues. Customer support forum might be able to clarify if they have a status update. Might you have character moved?
You can edit the post to move it.
Customer Support said to talk to the tech people. Also, he was 80-85 prior to the stat squish. As I had played through Wrath and Cata with the character. They told me they can see the character on Uther, but could not restore it themselves. They told me to restore it from my deleted Character’s list and I told them that it doesn’t show up. None of my characters pre-Draenor show up on the list at all. Thus. I posted here.
This forum is for peer troubleshooting. Unfortunately, you may need to reopen the ticket and tell them your issue is not resolved, as you’ll require staff assistance to restore characters you can’t see.
Make sure to use the change server, it’s the only advice i can offer. Warbands pull information from different servers on the whole bnet account. But character restore likely doesn’t, hence why they can see it, you can not.
After squish it should be restorable.
Make sure you’re also on the right license. I’m sure that GMs can see all characters connected to a Battlenet account but if you’re on the wrong license when trying to restore then you wouldn’t be able to.
Yep, same liscense. Literally, the Support said that they can see the character, but cannot themselves restore it. It’s a tech support issue and the “tech support” ticket just brings it back to regular support. So they said, post in the forums and hope a bluenote, mod, or w/e ntices it.
Tech support isn’t the proper forum for this issue, tech support helps with more connection or hardware issues. No GMs come here.
You could try posting over on Customer Support forum. Support Forum Agents with a little more insight do frequent that forum. They are not GMs but they might be able to offer more guidance.
Not sure what number you called, the phone number hasnt been in use in years.
There is no tech chat window. The chat functionality was severely limited during COVID and never really bounced back. When in use, it’s for billing issues mainly. But its hours are very few and very far between now.
Like I mentioned a minute ago, try moving this over to the Customer Support forum. a Support Forum Agent (blue poster) or another regular might have a better ticket path suggestion.
And please, leave the yelling and the frustrations out. I get it’s frustrating, but getting mad at people trying to help, is t helping.
Yeah. They’ll tell me the same thing as when I open a ticket. “We can’t do that, talk to tech support.” I ask them how? They say open a ticket. I open a ticket and I get Customer Support. And the cycle continues. Been continuing for the past ten years. I may a new request every year or so and get the same run-around. I ask them to put me in contact with Tech Support and they tell me “We can’t do that.” To which I have to ask, What exactly does Customer Support actually do? And a forum that says Technical Support SHOULD connect to actual Tech support. Either that or rename it to Community Technical Support.
There is no longer official Blizzard tech support other than the trouble shooting guides. Tech Support would never be for account issues anyway. Again, tech is connection or hardware/software issues.
If you don’t want to post over in the Customer Support forum, that’s on you. They are likely your best chance of getting help/pointed in the right direction.
Best of luck.
I don’t see another thread in the Customer Support forum, and threads are not tickets.
Tech support in this case is player support, there are some mods that roam all the forums. But not guaranteed to post. Customer Support does have some Support Agents, same people who would post to Twitter Support, but they are not GM staff either, but again why I suggested a edit to that forum.
I am not sure what Hotline number you called. Blizzard has not had call in support for more then 10 years. It is mostly web tickets now. They did have live chat, phone callback up until about 2 years ago, but players would abuse it for purposes it was not used for, which was billing and account management, hacks recovery.
Did you try my trick on changing servers? GM can likely see the character can be restored, but why you can not see if it on your list.
Sadly we as players can not see the replies you received, perhaps if you copy paste the last one we could understand what they are trying to say. Perhaps, and take no disrespect, it is just a misunderstanding of the reply. Perhaps they are linking this forum, but advising a bug report? Perhaps they are misunderstanding thinking you are having a login issue or technical issue, but it is not the case either, it depends on how you put the ticket in.
Can you give me the ticket number where they say that, Isaudias? I only found one mention of leaving feedback where they said:
If you wish to leave some feedback for the developers, you can do so in the forums at https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/ or by using the in-game “Submit Feedback” option that is found on the Support menu.
Nothing about “hoping someone notices it”. With that said, it seems the main issue they thought you were having was that you had too many characters on the account, which might have impacted your ability to restore the character. You appears to have deleted a number of characters though, so your total is down.
Just to make sure, when you attempt to restore the character, are you switching to that realm? With the Warbands you may be defaulted on a different realm and that will only show you characters that might have been deleted on that realm.
I checked for previous attempts to contact support about the issue, but it seems like tickets past a certain date don’t show up on my account. I can only assume that once resolved they have an expiration date of sorts. As to restoring my character, yes. I AM on the Uther Server when I try restoring it. Lycanthian simply doesn’t show up on the list. Not sure if that’s because he’s so old, but I noticed that Characters Pre Draenor/Legion do not show up in the deleted character screen. That’s true even if I am below the 65 character limit. I’ll post on the Customer Support Forums, but I’m not sure if it’ll help since I keep explaining that “The Character Does Not Show Up On The Deleted Character Screen.” and that YES I am on the Uther Server when I try restoring it. I get ask those two questions each time I talk to a new person about the issue. My other character is a Shaman (I forget the name) but that was transfered to my brother’s account. He no longer plays and He doesn’t respond to my attempts to contact due to family drama, so that one’s a wash. But again. I do know that I need to be on the right server to restore a character. It’s not like I’m an Idiot. Asking that is like asking “Did you turn it off and on again?”. YES.
Anyway. I don’t anticipate getting this fixed any time soon and thought that this was Tech support, not “tech advice from other gamers.” Very dissapointing over all.
Any deleted character below level 50 will eventually be deleted. So if the character was not level 120 going into Shadowlands, or below level 50 (after Shadowlands), it was permanently deleted. See the level “squish” information here: https://www.wowhead.com/guide/shadowlands-leveling-changes-level-squish
But again. I do know that I need to be on the right server to restore a character. It’s not like I’m an Idiot. Asking that is like asking “Did you turn it off and on again?”. YES.
As a tech support guy (in a different field), you’d be surprised how many times that comes up. We know you’re not an idiot. And maybe you did actually restart the device. But it’s still basic troubleshooting that fixes all kinds of stuff, and if we don’t have that information, we’re going to ask. Same with this. Warbands are a new feature, and some people may not have noticed some of the nuances.
While I understand your frustration, Isaudias, no it isn’t. Warbands are fairly new still and not everyone may be aware that you have to specifically select the realm to undelete a character since all characters are otherwise visible.
It is possible that you are unable to see or undelete the character because it was deleted well before Warbands had been implemented. I need to check a few things but I’ll try to provide an update tomorrow.
Just to cover this. We do not allow the sharing of accounts so technically speaking your brother should have never had access to or transferred a character off of an account they are not registered to.
As it is, it is no longer possible to transfer characters between Battlenet accounts, so even if you had access to do so, it wouldn’t be possible.
It looks like the system for some reason thinks you have way more active characters than you do. That seems to be the cause of the issue and unfortunately, even with our tools internally, we’re not able to circumvent that restriction.
The issue has been escalated to be looked into. I don’t have an ETA on when a resolution may be found, it depends on what the fix is to allow the characters to be undeleted.